You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
228 lines
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228 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Commands where
import Commands.EDT ( getEdt )
import Commands.Reminds ( Remind(..)
, registerRemind
, scheduleRemind
import Conf ( Config(..)
, Group(..)
import Control.Event ( EventSystem
, addEvent
import Control.Monad ( when )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( liftIO )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time ( addUTCTime
, getCurrentTime
import Discord ( DiscordHandler
, restCall
import Discord.Interactions ( OptionValue(..)
, Options(..)
, Choice(..)
, CreateApplicationCommand(..)
, OptionDataValue(..)
, OptionsData(..)
, InteractionResponse
, MemberOrUser(..)
, LocalizedText(..)
, createChatInput
, interactionResponseBasic
import Discord.Requests ( ChannelRequest(..)
, GuildRequest(..)
import Discord.Types ( ChannelId
, GuildId
, GuildMember(..)
, Snowflake
, UTCTime
, User(..)
, RoleId(..)
, DiscordId,
import UnliftIO ( withRunInIO )
groupNames :: Config -> [T.Text]
groupNames Config {..} = map fst $ Map.toList configGroups
pingCommand :: Maybe CreateApplicationCommand
pingCommand = createChatInput "ping" "pong"
pingResponse :: Config -> IO InteractionResponse
pingResponse _ = return $ interactionResponseBasic "Pong"
edtCommand :: Config -> Maybe CreateApplicationCommand
edtCommand c =
createChatInput "edt" "Affiche l'emploi du temps"
>>= \cac -> return $ cac
{ createOptions =
Just $ OptionsValues
[ OptionValueString
"Le groupe pour lequel afficher l'emploi du temps"
(Right $ map (\x -> Choice x Nothing x) $ groupNames c)
Nothing Nothing
, OptionValueString
"Le(s) jour(s) pour le(s)quel(s) afficher l'emploi du temps (today (aujourd'hui), tomorrow (demain), week (semaine) or JJ/MM/AAAA)"
(Left False)
Nothing Nothing
parseOpt :: OptionDataValue -> (T.Text, T.Text)
parseOpt OptionDataValueString { optionDataValueName = name, optionDataValueString = Right val, ..}
= (name, val)
parseOpt _ = ("INVALID Option", "INVALID type")
:: Config
-> Maybe OptionsData
-> IO InteractionResponse
edtResponse conf@Config {..} (Just (OptionsDataValues opts))
= do
planning <- getEdt conf parsedOpts
return $ interactionResponseBasic planning
parsedOpts :: Map.Map T.Text T.Text
parsedOpts = Map.fromList $ map parseOpt opts
edtResponse _ _ = return $ interactionResponseBasic
"The edt command has mandatory params yet you managed not to give any, WOW"
remindCommand :: Maybe CreateApplicationCommand
remindCommand =
createChatInput "remind" "Crée un rapel pour plus tard"
>>= \cac -> return $ cac
{ createOptions =
Just $ OptionsValues
[ OptionValueString "delay" Nothing "délai" Nothing True (Left False) Nothing Nothing
, OptionValueString "message" Nothing "message" Nothing True (Left False) Nothing Nothing
:: Maybe OptionsData
-> EventSystem
-> Discord.Types.ChannelId
-> MemberOrUser
-> DiscordHandler InteractionResponse
remindResponse (Just (OptionsDataValues opts)) evts ch mou
= do
userid = case mou of
MemberOrUser (Left Discord.Types.GuildMember { memberUser = Just Discord.Types.User { userId = uid } })
-> uid
MemberOrUser (Right Discord.Types.User { userId = uid }) -> uid
_ -> error "Couldnt get user id"
let d = delay'
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
remindDateTime = case T.last d of
's' -> addUTCTime (fromInteger $ read $ init $ T.unpack d) now
'm' -> addUTCTime ((* 60) $ fromInteger $ read $ init $ T.unpack d) now
'h' ->
addUTCTime ((* 3600) $ fromInteger $ read $ init $ T.unpack d) now
'd' ->
addUTCTime ((* 86400) $ fromInteger $ read $ init $ T.unpack d) now
_ -> now
if remindDateTime /= now
then do
let rmd = Remind { rmdUser = userid
, rmdChannel = ch
, rmdMessage = message
, rmdDatetime = remindDateTime
scheduleRemind evts rmd
liftIO $ registerRemind rmd
$ interactionResponseBasic
$ "Rappel enregistré avec succes pour le "
`T.append` T.pack (show remindDateTime)
else return $ interactionResponseBasic "Le délai n'a pas pu être interprété"
parsedOpts = Map.fromList $ map parseOpt opts
delay' =
fromMaybe (error "delay must exist wtf") $ Map.lookup "delay" parsedOpts
message = fromMaybe (error "message must exist, wtf")
$ Map.lookup "message" parsedOpts
remindResponse _ _ _ _ =
$ interactionResponseBasic
"The remind command has mandatory params, yet you managed not to give any, WOW"
groupCommand :: Config -> Maybe CreateApplicationCommand
groupCommand c =
createChatInput "group" "grab your group" >>= \cac ->
return $ cac
{ createOptions = Just $ OptionsValues
[ OptionValueString
"group" Nothing
"Your group" Nothing
(Right $ map (\x -> Choice x Nothing x) $ groupNames c)
Nothing Nothing
:: Config
-> MemberOrUser
-> Discord.Types.GuildId
-> Maybe OptionsData
-> DiscordHandler InteractionResponse
groupResponse c mou gid (Just (OptionsDataValues opts))
= do
uid = case mou of
MemberOrUser (Left Discord.Types.GuildMember { memberUser = Just Discord.Types.User { userId = uid } })
-> uid
MemberOrUser (Right Discord.Types.User { userId = uid }) -> uid
_ -> -1
let rid =
$ fromMaybe (error "group must exist")
$ Map.lookup group
$ configGroups c
restCall $ AddGuildMemberRole gid uid rid
$ interactionResponseBasic
$ "Vous faîtes désormait partie du groupe "
`T.append` group
group =
fromMaybe (error "required option")
$ Map.lookup "group"
$ Map.fromList
$ map parseOpt opts
groupResponse _ _ _ _ =
$ interactionResponseBasic
"the group command has mandatory params, yet you managed not to give any, WOW"
helpCommand :: Maybe CreateApplicationCommand
helpCommand = createChatInput "help" "help"
helpResponse :: IO InteractionResponse
helpResponse =
. interactionResponseBasic
$ "**__Aide pour Bot IUT__**\n\n"
`T.append` "`/help` afficher ce message d'aide\n"
`T.append` "`/group <group>` rejoindre un groupe\n"
`T.append` "`/remind <time><s|m|h|d> <message>` Créer un rappel pour plus tard\n"
`T.append` "`/edt <group> [week|today|tomorrow|jj/mm/aaaa]` Affiche l'emploi du temps pour le groupe `group` pour le jour `day` (`day` est `week` par défaut)"