Antoine COMBET
3 years ago
7 changed files with 620 additions and 104 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,171 @@ |
module Commands.EDT where |
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} |
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deferred-out-of-scope-variables #-} |
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map |
import qualified Text.ICalendar.Parser as IP |
import qualified Text.ICalendar.Types as IT |
module Commands.EDT (getEdt) where |
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map |
import qualified Text.ICalendar.Parser as IP |
import qualified Text.ICalendar.Types as IT |
import qualified Data.Text as TS |
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TE |
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI |
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T |
import qualified Text.URI as Uri |
import qualified Network.HTTP.Simple as HTTP |
import Conf ( Group(..), Config(..) ) |
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe ) |
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO, liftIO ) |
import qualified Data.Time as DT |
import qualified Data.Time.Calendar.Easter as DT |
import Data.List ( sortOn ) |
import Text.Printf ( printf ) |
import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE as Re |
import qualified Data.Array as Ar |
getEdt ::Config |
-> Map.Map TS.Text TS.Text |
-> IO TS.Text |
getEdt conf@Config{..} opts = do |
cal_req <- HTTP.httpLBS req |
let cal = IP.parseICalendar (IP.DecodingFunctions |
TE.decodeUtf8 |
( . TE.decodeUtf8) |
) (TS.unpack group) (HTTP.getResponseBody cal_req) |
dates <-readDate date |
tz <- DT.getTimeZone |
$ DT.UTCTime (head dates) |
$ DT.secondsToDiffTime 43200 |
let message = case cal of |
Left _ -> "I don't know this group, alternatively ADE doesn't work" |
Right (vcal@IT.VCalendar{IT.vcEvents = evm}:_, _) -> |
TS.unlines . map (\d -> |
if not (null (ev d)) then |
"**" |
`TS.append` TS.pack (show d) |
`TS.append` "**\n" |
`TS.append` renderEvents tz (ev d) |
else "" |
) |
$ dates |
where |
ev :: DT.Day -> [IT.VEvent] |
ev d = |
sortOn IT.veDTStart |
. filter (inDate d) |
. map snd |
. Map.toList |
$ evm |
_ -> "An unexpected error has occured" |
return message |
where |
group :: TS.Text |
group = fromMaybe "" $ Map.lookup "group" opts |
date :: TS.Text |
date = fromMaybe "week" $ Map.lookup "day" opts |
url :: String |
url = |
TS.unpack |
. groupAde |
. fromMaybe (Group 0 0 dummyAddress) |
. (`Map.lookup` configGroups) |
. fromMaybe "" |
. Map.lookup "group" |
$ opts |
req = HTTP.parseRequest_ url |
-- not a place where you'll find valid ICS so we know the group must be wrong |
dummyAddress :: TS.Text |
dummyAddress = "" |
readDate :: TS.Text -> IO [DT.Day] |
readDate dtT = do |
DT.UTCTime today _ <- DT.getCurrentTime |
return $ case TS.unpack dtT of |
"today" -> [today] |
"tomorrow" -> [DT.addDays 1 today] |
"week" -> map (`DT.addDays` lastSunday) [1..7] where |
lastweek :: DT.Day |
lastweek = DT.addDays (-6) today |
lastSunday = DT.sundayAfter lastweek |
[dd, du, '/', md, mu, '/', yk, yh, yd, yu] -> |
[ DT.fromGregorian |
(read [yk,yh,yd,yu]) |
(read [md,mu]) |
(read [dd,du]) |
] |
_ -> [today] |
inDate :: DT.Day -> IT.VEvent -> Bool |
inDate date ev@IT.VEvent{veDTStart = mdts} = evDay == date |
where |
evDay :: DT.Day |
evDay = case mdts of |
Just dts -> |
case dts of |
IT.DTStartDateTime dt _ -> |
case dt of |
IT.FloatingDateTime lt -> DT.localDay lt |
IT.UTCDateTime ut -> DT.utctDay ut |
IT.ZonedDateTime lt _ -> DT.localDay lt |
IT.DTStartDate da _ -> IT.dateValue da |
Nothing -> DT.fromGregorian 0 0 0 |
renderEvents :: DT.TimeZone -> [IT.VEvent] -> TS.Text |
renderEvents tz = TS.unlines . map renderEvent |
where |
renderEvent :: IT.VEvent -> TS.Text |
renderEvent ev = |
TS.pack |
$ printf |
"*%02d:%02d → %02d:%02d* : **%s** with **%s** in **%s**" |
(DT.todHour $ startT ev) (DT.todMin $ startT ev) |
(DT.todHour $ endT ev) (DT.todMin $ endT ev) |
(summary ev) (teacher ev) (room ev) |
startT :: IT.VEvent -> DT.TimeOfDay |
startT IT.VEvent{veDTStart = Just (IT.DTStartDateTime dt _)} = case dt of |
IT.FloatingDateTime lt -> DT.localTimeOfDay lt |
IT.UTCDateTime ut -> |
snd |
. DT.utcToLocalTimeOfDay tz |
. DT.timeToTimeOfDay |
$ DT.utctDayTime ut |
IT.ZonedDateTime lt _ -> DT.localTimeOfDay lt |
startT _ = DT.TimeOfDay 0 0 0 |
endT :: IT.VEvent -> DT.TimeOfDay |
endT IT.VEvent{veDTEndDuration = Just (Left (IT.DTEndDateTime dt _))} = |
case dt of |
IT.FloatingDateTime lt -> DT.localTimeOfDay lt |
IT.UTCDateTime ut -> |
snd |
. DT.utcToLocalTimeOfDay tz |
. DT.timeToTimeOfDay |
$ DT.utctDayTime ut |
IT.ZonedDateTime lt txt -> DT.localTimeOfDay lt |
endT _ = DT.TimeOfDay 0 0 0 |
summary IT.VEvent{veSummary = Just IT.Summary{summaryValue = x}} = x |
summary _ = "Unknown" |
room IT.VEvent{veLocation = Just IT.Location{locationValue = x}} = x |
room _ = "Unknown" |
teacher :: IT.VEvent -> String |
teacher IT.VEvent{veDescription = Just IT.Description{descriptionValue = val}} = |
if '\n' `elem` teacher' then |
"Unknown" |
else |
teacher' |
where |
teacher' = |
if uncurry (>) (Ar.bounds marray) then |
"Unknown" |
else |
fst . last . Ar.elems $ marray |
marray = if null matches then Ar.listArray (1,0) [] else head matches |
matches = Re.matchAllText teacherRe $ T.unpack val |
teacher _ = "Unknown" |
teacherRe = Re.makeRegexOpts |
Re.compMultiline |
Re.execBlank |
("^\\n\\n.+\\n(.+)\\n" :: String) |
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} |
module Conf ( Group(..) , Config(..) , readConfig ) where |
import qualified Data.Text as T |
import qualified Discord.Types as D |
import Data.Yaml ( Object |
, decodeFileThrow |
, (.:) |
, parseMaybe |
, Parser |
, withObject |
, FromJSON |
, Value (Object, Number, String) |
, parseJSON |
) |
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H |
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map |
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) |
import Control.Monad (mzero) |
import Data.Word (Word64) |
import Data.Scientific (Scientific, floatingOrInteger) |
import Data.Either (fromRight) |
data Group = Group |
{ groupChannel :: D.Snowflake |
, groupRole :: D.Snowflake |
, groupAde :: T.Text |
} |
deriving (Show, Eq, Read) |
hmToGroup :: H.HashMap T.Text Value -> Group |
hmToGroup hm = Group |
{ groupChannel = scitosno |
. valueNum "channel" |
. errorRequired "channel" |
$ H.lookup "channel" hm |
, groupRole = scitosno |
. valueNum "role" |
. errorRequired "role" |
$ H.lookup "role" hm |
, groupAde = valueText "edturl" |
. errorRequired "edturl" |
$ H.lookup "edturl" hm |
} |
data Config = Config |
{ configServer :: D.Snowflake |
, configGroups :: Map.Map T.Text Group |
, configAutoEDTCronDay :: T.Text |
, configAutoEDTCronWeek :: T.Text |
} |
deriving (Show, Eq, Read) |
readConfig :: FilePath -> IO Config |
readConfig fp = do |
conf_yml <- decodeFileThrow fp :: IO Object |
-- print conf_yml |
return $ ymlToConf conf_yml |
ymlToConf :: Object -> Config |
ymlToConf v = Config |
{ configServer = server |
, configGroups = groups |
, configAutoEDTCronDay = autoEdtCronDay |
, configAutoEDTCronWeek = autoEdtCronWeek |
} |
where |
server' = errorRequired "server" $ H.lookup "server" v |
server = scitosno $ valueNum "server" server' |
groups = parseGroups groupsObject |
groupsObject = H.lookup "groups" v |
parseGroups (Just (Object o)) = let groupList' :: H.HashMap T.Text Group |
groupList' = fmap ( hmToGroup |
. (\case |
Object u -> u |
_ -> error "groups are objects") |
) o |
in Map.fromList $ H.toList groupList' |
parseGroups _ = error "Wrong format for groups" |
autoEdtCronDay = |
valueText "autoEdtCronDay" |
$ fromMaybe "0 15 * * 0-4" |
$ H.lookup "autoEdtCronDay" v |
autoEdtCronWeek = |
valueText "autoEdtCronWeek" |
$ fromMaybe "30 9 * * 0" |
$ H.lookup "autoEdtCronWeek" v |
errorRequired :: [Char] -> Maybe a -> a |
errorRequired name = fromMaybe (error $ "required field: " ++ name) |
valueText :: [Char] -> Value -> T.Text |
valueText _ (String t) = t |
valueText name _ = error $ name ++ " should be a string" |
valueNum :: [Char] -> Value -> Scientific |
valueNum _ (Number n) = n |
valueNum name _ = error $ name ++ " should be an integer" |
scitosno :: Scientific -> D.Snowflake |
scitosno = D.Snowflake |
. (fromInteger :: Integer -> Word64) |
. fromRight (error "Cant read that as an int") |
. floatingOrInteger |
@ -1,80 +1,134 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} |
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} |
module Main where |
import Control.Monad (when, void) |
import qualified Data.Text as T |
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO |
import UnliftIO (liftIO) |
import Discord |
import Discord.Types |
import Discord.Interactions |
import qualified Discord.Requests as R |
import Commands |
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS |
import qualified Data.Yaml as YAML |
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map |
import Control.Monad (when, void) |
import qualified Data.Text as T |
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO |
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (toIO, liftIO, withRunInIO) |
import Discord ( def, restCall |
, runDiscord, sendCommand |
, DiscordHandler |
, RunDiscordOpts(..) |
) |
import Discord.Types ( Event(..), PartialApplication(..) |
, GatewaySendable(..) |
, UpdateStatusOpts(..) |
, UpdateStatusType(..) |
, Activity(..), ActivityType(..) |
) |
import Discord.Interactions ( interactionResponseBasic |
, Interaction(..) |
, InteractionDataApplicationCommand(..) |
) |
import qualified Discord.Requests as R |
import Commands ( edtResponse, edtCommand |
, pingResponse, pingCommand |
, remindResponse, remindCommand, groupCommand, groupResponse |
) |
import Conf ( Config(..), Group(..), readConfig ) |
import qualified System.Cron.Schedule as Cron |
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map |
import Commands.EDT (getEdt) |
import qualified Control.Concurrent |
import qualified Control.Event as E |
testServer :: Snowflake |
testServer = 740862954454646814 |
main :: IO () |
main = do |
tok <- TIO.readFile "./auth.secret" |
conf <- YAML.decodeFileThrow "./conf.yaml" :: IO YAML.Value |
putStrLn $ show conf |
conf <- readConfig "./conf.yaml" |
eventSystem <- E.initEventSystem |
print conf |
err <- runDiscord $ def { discordToken = tok |
, discordOnStart = onDiscordStart conf |
, discordOnEnd = liftIO $ putStrLn "Ended" |
, discordOnEvent = onDiscordEvent conf |
, discordOnEvent = onDiscordEvent conf eventSystem |
, discordOnLog = |
\s -> TIO.putStrLn s >> TIO.putStrLn "" |
} |
TIO.putStrLn err |
onDiscordStart :: YAML.Value -> DiscordHandler () |
onDiscordStart :: Config -> DiscordHandler () |
onDiscordStart conf = do |
let activity = Activity { activityName = "Doing stuff" |
, activityType = ActivityTypeGame |
, activityUrl = Nothing |
} |
let opts = UpdateStatusOpts { updateStatusOptsSince = Nothing |
, updateStatusOptsGame = Just activity |
, updateStatusOptsNewStatus = UpdateStatusOnline |
, updateStatusOptsAFK = False |
} |
let |
activity :: Activity |
activity = def { activityName = "Doing stuff" |
, activityType = ActivityTypeGame |
, activityUrl = Nothing |
} |
opts :: UpdateStatusOpts |
opts = UpdateStatusOpts { updateStatusOptsSince = Nothing |
, updateStatusOptsGame = Just activity |
, updateStatusOptsNewStatus = UpdateStatusOnline |
, updateStatusOptsAFK = False |
} |
sendCommand (UpdateStatus opts) |
onDiscordEvent :: YAML.Value -> Event -> DiscordHandler () |
onDiscordEvent conf (Ready _ _ _ _ _ _ (PartialApplication i _)) = |
onDiscordEvent :: Config -> E.EventSystem -> Event -> DiscordHandler () |
onDiscordEvent conf@Config{..} eventSystem (Ready _ _ _ _ _ _ (PartialApplication i _)) = do |
mapM_ (maybe ( return () ) |
( void |
. restCall |
. R.CreateGuildApplicationCommand i testServer |
. R.CreateGuildApplicationCommand i configServer |
) |
) |
[ Just pingCommand |
, Just edtCommand |
[ pingCommand |
, edtCommand conf |
, remindCommand |
, groupCommand conf |
] |
onDiscordEvent conf |
let glist = Map.toList configGroups |
withRunInIO $ \runInIO -> Cron.execSchedule $ do |
Cron.addJob ( runInIO |
$ pushgroupedt conf "tomorrow" glist |
) configAutoEDTCronDay |
Cron.addJob ( runInIO |
$ pushgroupedt conf "week" glist |
) configAutoEDTCronWeek |
liftIO $ putStrLn "Started" |
onDiscordEvent conf@Config{..} eventSystem |
( InteractionCreate InteractionApplicationCommand |
{ interactionDataApplicationCommand = |
Just InteractionDataApplicationCommandChatInput |
InteractionDataApplicationCommandChatInput |
{ interactionDataApplicationCommandName = name |
, interactionDataApplicationCommandOptions = opts |
, .. |
} |
, interactionChannelId = Just channel |
, interactionGuildId = Just guild |
, interactionUser = user |
, .. |
} |
) = do |
void $ restCall |
response <- responseIO |
void $ restCall |
(R.CreateInteractionResponse interactionId interactionToken response) |
where |
response = case name of |
"ping" -> pingResponse |
"edt" -> edtResponse opts |
_ -> interactionResponseBasic $ "Unhandled Command: " `T.append` name |
onDiscordEvent _ _ = return () |
responseIO = case name of |
"ping" -> liftIO $ pingResponse conf |
"edt" -> liftIO $ edtResponse conf opts |
"remind" -> remindResponse opts eventSystem channel user |
"group" -> groupResponse conf user guild opts |
_ -> return $ interactionResponseBasic $ "Unhandled Command: " `T.append` name |
onDiscordEvent _ _ _ = return () |
pushgroupedt :: Config -> T.Text ->[(T.Text, Group)] -> DiscordHandler () |
pushgroupedt conf@Config{..} day glist = do |
mapM_ (\(gn, Group{groupChannel = gc}) -> do |
edt <- liftIO $ getEdt conf $ Map.fromList [("group", gn), ("day", day )] |
liftIO |
$ TIO.putStrLn |
$ "Putting out time table for group " |
`T.append` gn |
`T.append` " in " |
`T.append` T.pack (show gc) |
`T.append` ":\n" |
`T.append` edt |
restCall $ R.CreateMessage gc (edt `T.append` "\nAutomatic time table") |
return () |
) glist |
@ -1,14 +1,17 @@ |
resolver: lts-18.24 |
resolver: lts-18.27 |
packages: |
- . |
allow-newer: true |
extra-deps: |
# Stuff not in stackage |
- emoji- |
- control-event-1.3 |
- iCalendar- |
- mime- |
# My fork of discord-haskell to fix a bug |
- github: Annwan/discord-haskell |
commit: 830e3a0bcc2586e40e167a1ec14e357e6396a7d2 |
- discord-haskell-1.12.1 |
- control-event-1.3 |
## My fork of discord-haskell to PR bug fixes and have them before merge |
# - github: Annwan/discord-haskell |
# commit: <insert pactch commit> |
# discord-haskell repo when there is a bug in hackage |
# - github: aquarial/discord-haskell |
# commit: <insert master commit> |
Reference in new issue