Browse Source

Fixed reminders

Annwan 3 years ago
  1. 4
  2. 12
  3. 405
  4. 250
  5. 78
  6. 169
  7. 306
  8. 4
  9. 1


@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ dist-newstyle


@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
#+title: botiut
#+author: Annwan
#+date: <2022-03-16 Wed>
#+options: h:0 num:nil toc:nil
** TODO List
- [ ] Reminders
- [ ] Room availability
- [ ] Write example configuration
** Setup
@ -22,17 +24,17 @@ stack build
*** Configuring
- Put your discord token in =auth.secret= in the working directory,
- Put your discord token in ~auth.secret~ in the working directory,
without trailing new lines
- Put the yaml format configuration in =conf.yaml=. An commented
configuration example is given in [[./conf.example.yaml][conf.example.yaml]].
- Put the yaml format configuration in ~conf.yaml~. +A commented
configuration example is given in [[./conf.example.yaml][conf.example.yaml]].+
*** Running
There is two options
1) Run =stack run= from the repository
1) Run ~stack run~ from the repository
2) Copy the executable somewhere else, then call it from the expected
working directory.


@ -3,261 +3,224 @@
module Commands where
import Discord ( restCall, DiscordHandler )
import Discord.Types ( ChannelId
, User(..)
, GuildMember(..)
, GuildId, UTCTime, Snowflake
import Discord.Interactions ( interactionResponseBasic
, createApplicationCommandChatInput
, MemberOrUser(..)
, InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptions(..)
, InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptionValue(..)
, Choice(..)
, ApplicationCommandOptionValue(..)
, ApplicationCommandOptions(..)
, InteractionResponse
, CreateApplicationCommand(..)
import Discord.Requests ( ChannelRequest(..)
, GuildRequest(..)
import Control.Event ( EventSystem, addEvent )
import Control.Monad ( when )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( liftIO )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Data.Time ( getCurrentTime, addUTCTime )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import UnliftIO ( withRunInIO )
import Commands.EDT ( getEdt )
import Conf ( Config(..), Group(..) )
import Commands.EDT ( getEdt )
import Commands.Reminds ( Remind(..)
, registerRemind
, scheduleRemind
import Conf ( Config(..)
, Group(..)
import Control.Event ( EventSystem
, addEvent
import Control.Monad ( when )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( liftIO )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time ( addUTCTime
, getCurrentTime
import Discord ( DiscordHandler
, restCall
import Discord.Interactions ( ApplicationCommandOptionValue(..)
, ApplicationCommandOptions(..)
, Choice(..)
, CreateApplicationCommand(..)
, InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptionValue(..)
, InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptions(..)
, InteractionResponse
, MemberOrUser(..)
, createApplicationCommandChatInput
, interactionResponseBasic
import Discord.Requests ( ChannelRequest(..)
, GuildRequest(..)
import Discord.Types ( ChannelId
, GuildId
, GuildMember(..)
, Snowflake
, UTCTime
, User(..)
import UnliftIO ( withRunInIO )
groupNames :: Config -> [T.Text]
groupNames Config{..} = map fst $ Map.toList configGroups
groupNames Config {..} = map fst $ Map.toList configGroups
pingCommand :: Maybe CreateApplicationCommand
pingCommand =
pingCommand = createApplicationCommandChatInput "ping" "pong"
pingResponse :: Config -> IO InteractionResponse
pingResponse _ = return $ interactionResponseBasic "Pong"
edtCommand :: Config -> Maybe CreateApplicationCommand
edtCommand :: Config -> Maybe CreateApplicationCommand
edtCommand c =
createApplicationCommandChatInput "edt" "Gets the planning for a group"
\cac ->
$ cac
{ createApplicationCommandOptions =
$ ApplicationCommandOptionsValues
[ ApplicationCommandOptionValueString
"The group for which the planning is requested"
True (Right $ map (\x -> Choice x x) $ groupNames c)
, ApplicationCommandOptionValueString
("The day(s) for which the planning is requested "
`T.append` "(today, tomorrow, week or DD/MM/YYYY)")
(Left False)
>>= \cac -> return $ cac
{ createApplicationCommandOptions =
Just $ ApplicationCommandOptionsValues
[ ApplicationCommandOptionValueString
"The group for which the planning is requested"
(Right $ map (\x -> Choice x x) $ groupNames c)
, ApplicationCommandOptionValueString
( "The day(s) for which the planning is requested "
`T.append` "(today, tomorrow, week or DD/MM/YYYY)"
(Left False)
parseOpt :: InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptionValue -> (T.Text, T.Text)
parseOpt InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptionValueString
{ interactionDataApplicationCommandOptionValueName = name
, interactionDataApplicationCommandOptionValueStringValue =
Right val
, ..
} =
(name, val)
parseOpt InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptionValueString { interactionDataApplicationCommandOptionValueName = name, interactionDataApplicationCommandOptionValueStringValue = Right val, ..}
= (name, val)
parseOpt _ = ("INVALID Option", "INVALID type")
edtResponse :: Config
-> Maybe InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptions
-> IO InteractionResponse
edtResponse conf@Config{..} (Just (InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptionsValues opts)) = do
planning <- getEdt conf parsedOpts
return $ interactionResponseBasic planning
parsedOpts :: Map.Map T.Text T.Text
parsedOpts = Map.fromList $ map parseOpt opts
edtResponse _ _ =
return $ interactionResponseBasic
"The edt command has mandatory params yet you managed not to give any, WOW"
:: Config
-> Maybe InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptions
-> IO InteractionResponse
edtResponse conf@Config {..} (Just (InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptionsValues opts))
= do
planning <- getEdt conf parsedOpts
return $ interactionResponseBasic planning
parsedOpts :: Map.Map T.Text T.Text
parsedOpts = Map.fromList $ map parseOpt opts
edtResponse _ _ = return $ interactionResponseBasic
"The edt command has mandatory params yet you managed not to give any, WOW"
remindCommand :: Maybe CreateApplicationCommand
remindCommand =
createApplicationCommandChatInput "remind" "reminds you of something later on"
\cac ->
$ cac
{ createApplicationCommandOptions =
$ ApplicationCommandOptionsValues
[ ApplicationCommandOptionValueString "delay" "delay" True (Left False)
, ApplicationCommandOptionValueString "message" "message" True (Left False)
data Remind = Remind { rmdWhen :: UTCTime
, rmdWhat :: T.Text
, rmdWhere :: Snowflake
, rmdWho :: Snowflake
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
remindResponse :: Maybe InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptions
-> EventSystem
-> ChannelId
-> MemberOrUser
-> DiscordHandler InteractionResponse
remindResponse (Just (InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptionsValues opts)) evts ch mou = do
let userid = case mou of
MemberOrUser (Left GuildMember{memberUser = Just User{userId = uid}}) -> uid
MemberOrUser (Right User{userId = uid}) -> uid
>>= \cac -> return $ cac
{ createApplicationCommandOptions =
Just $ ApplicationCommandOptionsValues
[ ApplicationCommandOptionValueString "delay"
(Left False)
, ApplicationCommandOptionValueString "message"
(Left False)
:: Maybe InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptions
-> EventSystem
-> ChannelId
-> MemberOrUser
-> DiscordHandler InteractionResponse
remindResponse (Just (InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptionsValues opts)) evts ch mou
= do
userid = case mou of
MemberOrUser (Left GuildMember { memberUser = Just User { userId = uid } })
-> uid
MemberOrUser (Right User { userId = uid }) -> uid
_ -> error "Couldnt get user id"
let d = delay'
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let remindDateTime =
case T.last d of
's' -> addUTCTime ( fromInteger
$ read
$ init
$ T.unpack d
) now
'm' -> addUTCTime ( (*60)
$ fromInteger
$ read
$ init
$ T.unpack d
) now
'h' -> addUTCTime ( (*3600)
$ fromInteger
$ read
$ init
$ T.unpack d
) now
'd' -> addUTCTime ( (*86400)
$ fromInteger
$ read
$ init
$ T.unpack d
) now
_ -> now
if remindDateTime /= now
( do
withRunInIO $ \runInIO ->
addEvent evts remindDateTime
( do
runInIO ( restCall
$ CreateMessage ch
$ "<@"
`T.append` T.pack (show userid)
`T.append` "> **Reminder**\n"
`T.append` message
return ()
liftIO $ appendFile "" $ show (Remind remindDateTime message ch userid) ++ "\n"
let d = delay'
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
remindDateTime = case T.last d of
's' -> addUTCTime (fromInteger $ read $ init $ T.unpack d) now
'm' -> addUTCTime ((* 60) $ fromInteger $ read $ init $ T.unpack d) now
'h' ->
addUTCTime ((* 3600) $ fromInteger $ read $ init $ T.unpack d) now
'd' ->
addUTCTime ((* 86400) $ fromInteger $ read $ init $ T.unpack d) now
_ -> now
if remindDateTime /= now
then do
let rmd = Remind { rmdUser = userid
, rmdChannel = ch
, rmdMessage = message
, rmdDatetime = remindDateTime
scheduleRemind evts rmd
liftIO $ registerRemind rmd
$ interactionResponseBasic
$ "Reminder registered sucessfully for "
$ interactionResponseBasic
$ "Reminder registered sucessfully for "
`T.append` T.pack (show remindDateTime)
return $ interactionResponseBasic "couldn't parse your delay :/"
parsedOpts = Map.fromList $ map parseOpt opts
delay' =
fromMaybe (error "delay must exist wtf")
$ Map.lookup "delay" parsedOpts
message =
fromMaybe (error "message must exist, wtf")
$ Map.lookup "message" parsedOpts
remindResponse _ _ _ _= return $ interactionResponseBasic
"The remind command has mandatory params, yet you managed not to give any, WOW"
else return $ interactionResponseBasic "couldn't parse your delay :/"
parsedOpts = Map.fromList $ map parseOpt opts
delay' =
fromMaybe (error "delay must exist wtf") $ Map.lookup "delay" parsedOpts
message = fromMaybe (error "message must exist, wtf")
$ Map.lookup "message" parsedOpts
remindResponse _ _ _ _ =
$ interactionResponseBasic
"The remind command has mandatory params, yet you managed not to give any, WOW"
groupCommand :: Config -> Maybe CreateApplicationCommand
groupCommand c =
createApplicationCommandChatInput "group" "grab your group"
\cac ->
$ cac
{ createApplicationCommandOptions =
$ ApplicationCommandOptionsValues
createApplicationCommandChatInput "group" "grab your group" >>= \cac ->
return $ cac
{ createApplicationCommandOptions = Just $ ApplicationCommandOptionsValues
[ ApplicationCommandOptionValueString
"Your group"
(Right $ map (\x -> Choice x x) $ groupNames c)
"Your group"
(Right $ map (\x -> Choice x x) $ groupNames c)
groupResponse :: Config
-> MemberOrUser
-> GuildId
-> Maybe InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptions
-> DiscordHandler InteractionResponse
groupResponse c
(Just (InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptionsValues opts)) =
let uid = case mou of
MemberOrUser (Left GuildMember{memberUser = Just User{userId = uid}}) -> uid
MemberOrUser (Right User{userId = uid}) -> uid
_ -> -1
:: Config
-> MemberOrUser
-> GuildId
-> Maybe InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptions
-> DiscordHandler InteractionResponse
groupResponse c mou gid (Just (InteractionDataApplicationCommandOptionsValues opts))
= do
uid = case mou of
MemberOrUser (Left GuildMember { memberUser = Just User { userId = uid } })
-> uid
MemberOrUser (Right User { userId = uid }) -> uid
_ -> -1
let rid =
$ fromMaybe (error "group must exist")
$ Map.lookup group
$ configGroups c
$ fromMaybe (error "group must exist")
$ Map.lookup group
$ configGroups c
restCall $ AddGuildMemberRole gid uid rid
return $ interactionResponseBasic $
"You are now part of group " `T.append` group
group =
fromMaybe (error "required option")
$ interactionResponseBasic
$ "You are now part of group "
`T.append` group
group =
fromMaybe (error "required option")
$ Map.lookup "group"
$ Map.fromList
$ map parseOpt opts
groupResponse _ _ _ _ =
return $ interactionResponseBasic
"the group command has mandatory params, yet you managed not to give any, WOW"
$ interactionResponseBasic
"the group command has mandatory params, yet you managed not to give any, WOW"
helpCommand :: Maybe CreateApplicationCommand
helpCommand =
helpCommand = createApplicationCommandChatInput "help" "help"
helpResponse :: IO InteractionResponse
helpResponse = return . interactionResponseBasic
$ "**__Help for Bot IUT__**\n\n"
`T.append` "`/help` shows this help message\n"
`T.append` "`/group <group>` join a group\n"
`T.append` "`/remind <time><s|m|h|d> <message>` reminds you of something in the future\n"
`T.append` "`/edt <group> [week|today|tomorrow|dd/mm/yyyy]` get the planning for group `group` on `day` (`day` defaults to `week`)"
helpResponse =
. interactionResponseBasic
$ "**__Help for Bot IUT__**\n\n"
`T.append` "`/help` shows this help message\n"
`T.append` "`/group <group>` join a group\n"
`T.append` "`/remind <time><s|m|h|d> <message>` reminds you of something in the future\n"
`T.append` "`/edt <group> [week|today|tomorrow|dd/mm/yyyy]` get the planning for group `group` on `day` (`day` defaults to `week`)"


@ -3,79 +3,77 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deferred-out-of-scope-variables #-}
module Commands.EDT (getEdt) where
module Commands.EDT
( getEdt
) where
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Text.ICalendar.Parser as IP
import qualified Text.ICalendar.Types as IT
import qualified Data.Text as TS
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import qualified Text.URI as Uri
import qualified Network.HTTP.Simple as HTTP
import Conf ( Group(..), Config(..) )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO, liftIO )
import qualified Data.Time as DT
import qualified Data.Time.Calendar.Easter as DT
import Data.List ( sortOn )
import Text.Printf ( printf )
import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE as Re
import qualified Data.Array as Ar
import Conf ( Config(..)
, Group(..)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO
, liftIO
import qualified Data.Array as Ar
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.List ( sortOn )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import qualified Data.Text as TS
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Time as DT
import qualified Data.Time.Calendar.Easter as DT
import qualified Network.HTTP.Simple as HTTP
import qualified Text.ICalendar.Parser as IP
import qualified Text.ICalendar.Types as IT
import Text.Printf ( printf )
import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE as Re
import qualified Text.URI as Uri
getEdt ::Config
-> Map.Map TS.Text TS.Text
-> IO TS.Text
getEdt conf@Config{..} opts = do
getEdt :: Config -> Map.Map TS.Text TS.Text -> IO TS.Text
getEdt conf@Config {..} opts = do
cal_req <- HTTP.httpLBS req
let cal = IP.parseICalendar (IP.DecodingFunctions
( . TE.decodeUtf8)
) (TS.unpack group) (HTTP.getResponseBody cal_req)
dates <-readDate date
tz <- DT.getTimeZone
$ DT.UTCTime (head dates)
$ DT.secondsToDiffTime 43200
message =
case cal of
let cal = IP.parseICalendar
(IP.DecodingFunctions TE.decodeUtf8 ( . TE.decodeUtf8))
(TS.unpack group)
(HTTP.getResponseBody cal_req)
dates <- readDate date
tz <- DT.getTimeZone $ DT.UTCTime (head dates) $ DT.secondsToDiffTime 43200
let message = case cal of
Left _ -> "I don't know this group, alternatively ADE doesn't work"
Right (vcal@IT.VCalendar{IT.vcEvents = evm}:_, _) ->
TS.unlines . map (\d ->
if not (null (ev d)) then
`TS.append` TS.pack (show d)
`TS.append` "**\n"
`TS.append` renderEvents tz (ev d)
else "No classes for the selected dates"
$ dates
ev :: DT.Day -> [IT.VEvent]
ev d =
sortOn IT.veDTStart
. filter (inDate d)
. map snd
. Map.toList
$ evm
Right (vcal@IT.VCalendar { IT.vcEvents = evm } : _, _) ->
. map
(\d -> if not (null (ev d))
`TS.append` TS.pack (show d)
`TS.append` "**\n"
`TS.append` renderEvents tz (ev d)
else "No classes for the selected dates"
$ dates
ev :: DT.Day -> [IT.VEvent]
ev d =
sortOn IT.veDTStart . filter (inDate d) . map snd . Map.toList $ evm
_ -> "An unexpected error has occured"
return message
group :: TS.Text
group = fromMaybe "" $ Map.lookup "group" opts
date :: TS.Text
date = fromMaybe "week" $ Map.lookup "day" opts
url :: String
url =
group :: TS.Text
group = fromMaybe "" $ Map.lookup "group" opts
date :: TS.Text
date = fromMaybe "week" $ Map.lookup "day" opts
url :: String
url =
. groupAde
. fromMaybe (Group 0 0 dummyAddress)
. (`Map.lookup` configGroups)
. fromMaybe ""
. Map.lookup "group"
$ opts
req = HTTP.parseRequest_ url
req = HTTP.parseRequest_ url
-- not a place where you'll find valid ICS so we know the group must be wrong
dummyAddress :: TS.Text
@ -85,89 +83,73 @@ readDate :: TS.Text -> IO [DT.Day]
readDate dtT = do
DT.UTCTime today _ <- DT.getCurrentTime
return $ case TS.unpack dtT of
"today" -> [today]
"today" -> [today]
"tomorrow" -> [DT.addDays 1 today]
"week" -> map (`DT.addDays` lastSunday) [1..7] where
"week" -> map (`DT.addDays` lastSunday) [1 .. 7] where
lastweek :: DT.Day
lastweek = DT.addDays (-6) today
lastweek = DT.addDays (-6) today
lastSunday = DT.sundayAfter lastweek
[dd, du, '/', md, mu, '/', yk, yh, yd, yu] ->
[ DT.fromGregorian
(read [yk,yh,yd,yu])
(read [md,mu])
(read [dd,du])
[DT.fromGregorian (read [yk, yh, yd, yu]) (read [md, mu]) (read [dd, du])]
_ -> [today]
inDate :: DT.Day -> IT.VEvent -> Bool
inDate date ev@IT.VEvent{veDTStart = mdts} = evDay == date
evDay :: DT.Day
evDay = case mdts of
Just dts ->
case dts of
IT.DTStartDateTime dt _ ->
case dt of
IT.FloatingDateTime lt -> DT.localDay lt
IT.UTCDateTime ut -> DT.utctDay ut
IT.ZonedDateTime lt _ -> DT.localDay lt
IT.DTStartDate da _ -> IT.dateValue da
Nothing -> DT.fromGregorian 0 0 0
inDate date ev@IT.VEvent { veDTStart = mdts } = evDay == date
evDay :: DT.Day
evDay = case mdts of
Just dts -> case dts of
IT.DTStartDateTime dt _ -> case dt of
IT.FloatingDateTime lt -> DT.localDay lt
IT.UTCDateTime ut -> DT.utctDay ut
IT.ZonedDateTime lt _ -> DT.localDay lt
IT.DTStartDate da _ -> IT.dateValue da
Nothing -> DT.fromGregorian 0 0 0
renderEvents :: DT.TimeZone -> [IT.VEvent] -> TS.Text
renderEvents :: DT.TimeZone -> [IT.VEvent] -> TS.Text
renderEvents tz = TS.unlines . map renderEvent
renderEvent :: IT.VEvent -> TS.Text
renderEvent ev =
$ printf
"*%02d:%02d → %02d:%02d* : **%s** with **%s** in **%s**"
(DT.todHour $ startT ev) (DT.todMin $ startT ev)
(DT.todHour $ endT ev) (DT.todMin $ endT ev)
(summary ev) (teacher ev) (room ev)
renderEvent :: IT.VEvent -> TS.Text
renderEvent ev = TS.pack $ printf
"*%02d:%02d → %02d:%02d* : **%s** with **%s** in **%s**"
(DT.todHour $ startT ev)
(DT.todMin $ startT ev)
(DT.todHour $ endT ev)
(DT.todMin $ endT ev)
(summary ev)
(teacher ev)
(room ev)
startT :: IT.VEvent -> DT.TimeOfDay
startT IT.VEvent{veDTStart = Just (IT.DTStartDateTime dt _)} = case dt of
startT :: IT.VEvent -> DT.TimeOfDay
startT IT.VEvent { veDTStart = Just (IT.DTStartDateTime dt _) } = case dt of
IT.FloatingDateTime lt -> DT.localTimeOfDay lt
IT.UTCDateTime ut ->
snd . DT.utcToLocalTimeOfDay tz . DT.timeToTimeOfDay $ DT.utctDayTime ut
IT.ZonedDateTime lt _ -> DT.localTimeOfDay lt
startT _ = DT.TimeOfDay 0 0 0
endT :: IT.VEvent -> DT.TimeOfDay
endT IT.VEvent { veDTEndDuration = Just (Left (IT.DTEndDateTime dt _)) } =
case dt of
IT.FloatingDateTime lt -> DT.localTimeOfDay lt
IT.UTCDateTime ut ->
. DT.utcToLocalTimeOfDay tz
. DT.timeToTimeOfDay
$ DT.utctDayTime ut
IT.ZonedDateTime lt _ -> DT.localTimeOfDay lt
startT _ = DT.TimeOfDay 0 0 0
endT :: IT.VEvent -> DT.TimeOfDay
endT IT.VEvent{veDTEndDuration = Just (Left (IT.DTEndDateTime dt _))} =
case dt of
IT.FloatingDateTime lt -> DT.localTimeOfDay lt
IT.UTCDateTime ut ->
. DT.utcToLocalTimeOfDay tz
. DT.timeToTimeOfDay
$ DT.utctDayTime ut
IT.ZonedDateTime lt txt -> DT.localTimeOfDay lt
endT _ = DT.TimeOfDay 0 0 0
summary IT.VEvent{veSummary = Just IT.Summary{summaryValue = x}} = x
summary _ = "Unknown"
room IT.VEvent{veLocation = Just IT.Location{locationValue = x}} = x
room _ = "Unknown"
teacher :: IT.VEvent -> String
teacher IT.VEvent{veDescription = Just IT.Description{descriptionValue = val}} =
if '\n' `elem` teacher' then
teacher' =
if uncurry (>) (Ar.bounds marray) then
fst . last . Ar.elems $ marray
snd . DT.utcToLocalTimeOfDay tz . DT.timeToTimeOfDay $ DT.utctDayTime ut
IT.ZonedDateTime lt txt -> DT.localTimeOfDay lt
endT _ = DT.TimeOfDay 0 0 0
summary IT.VEvent { veSummary = Just IT.Summary { summaryValue = x } } = x
summary _ = "Unknown"
room IT.VEvent { veLocation = Just IT.Location { locationValue = x } } = x
room _ = "Unknown"
teacher :: IT.VEvent -> String
teacher IT.VEvent { veDescription = Just IT.Description { descriptionValue = val } }
= if '\n' `elem` teacher' then "Unknown" else teacher'
teacher' = if uncurry (>) (Ar.bounds marray)
then "Unknown"
else fst . last . Ar.elems $ marray
marray = if null matches then Ar.listArray (1,0) [] else head matches
matches = Re.matchAllText teacherRe $ T.unpack val
teacher _ = "Unknown"
teacherRe = Re.makeRegexOpts
("^\\n\\n.+\\n(.+)\\n" :: String)
marray = if null matches then Ar.listArray (1, 0) [] else head matches
matches = Re.matchAllText teacherRe $ T.unpack val
teacher _ = "Unknown"
teacherRe = Re.makeRegexOpts Re.compMultiline
("^\\n\\n.+\\n(.+)\\n" :: String)


@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | Manages all about reminders
module Commands.Reminds where
import Conf ( )
import qualified Control.Event as E
import Control.Monad ( void )
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift ( MonadUnliftIO(withRunInIO) )
import Data.Convertible ( ConvertResult
, Convertible(safeConvert)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time ( UTCTime )
import qualified Database.HDBC as DB
import qualified Database.HDBC.Sqlite3 as DB.SQ3
import Discord ( DiscordHandler
, restCall
import Discord.Interactions ( )
import Discord.Requests ( ChannelRequest(CreateMessage)
import Discord.Types ( Snowflake(..) )
data Remind = Remind
{ rmdUser :: Snowflake
, rmdChannel :: Snowflake
, rmdMessage :: T.Text
, rmdDatetime :: UTCTime
instance Convertible Snowflake DB.SqlValue where
safeConvert (Snowflake v) = safeConvert v
setupRemindDb :: IO ()
setupRemindDb = do
conn <- DB.SQ3.connectSqlite3 "db.sqlite3"
DB.commit conn
DB.disconnect conn
scheduleRemind :: E.EventSystem -> Remind -> DiscordHandler ()
scheduleRemind ev Remind {..} = do
void $ withRunInIO $ \runInIo ->
E.addEvent ev rmdDatetime
$ void
$ runInIo
$ restCall
$ CreateMessage rmdChannel
$ "<@"
`T.append` T.pack (show rmdUser)
`T.append` "> **Reminder**\n"
`T.append` rmdMessage
registerRemind :: Remind -> IO ()
registerRemind Remind {..} = do
conn <- DB.SQ3.connectSqlite3 "db.sqlite3"
"INSERT INTO reminds(user, channel, message, dt)\
\VALUES (?,?,?,?)"
[ DB.toSql rmdUser
, DB.toSql rmdChannel
, DB.toSql rmdMessage
, DB.toSql rmdDatetime
DB.commit conn
DB.disconnect conn


@ -1,106 +1,115 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Conf ( Group(..) , Config(..) , readConfig ) where
module Conf
( Group(..)
, Config(..)
, readConfig
) where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Discord.Types as D
import Data.Yaml ( Object
, decodeFileThrow
, (.:)
, parseMaybe
, Parser
, withObject
, FromJSON
, Value (Object, Number, String)
, parseJSON
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Control.Monad (mzero)
import Control.Monad ( mzero )
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Yaml ( (.:)
, FromJSON
, Object
, Parser
, Value(Number, Object, String)
, decodeFileThrow
, parseJSON
, parseMaybe
, withObject
import qualified Discord.Types as D
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Data.Scientific (Scientific, floatingOrInteger)
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Either ( fromRight )
import Data.Scientific ( Scientific
, floatingOrInteger
import Data.Word ( Word64 )
data Group = Group
{ groupChannel :: D.Snowflake
, groupRole :: D.Snowflake
, groupAde :: T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
{ groupChannel :: D.Snowflake
, groupRole :: D.Snowflake
, groupAde :: T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
hmToGroup :: H.HashMap T.Text Value -> Group
hmToGroup hm = Group
{ groupChannel = scitosno
. valueNum "channel"
. errorRequired "channel"
$ H.lookup "channel" hm
, groupRole = scitosno
. valueNum "role"
. errorRequired "role"
$ H.lookup "role" hm
, groupAde = valueText "edturl"
. errorRequired "edturl"
$ H.lookup "edturl" hm
{ groupChannel = scitosno
. valueNum "channel"
. errorRequired "channel"
$ H.lookup "channel" hm
, groupRole = scitosno . valueNum "role" . errorRequired "role" $ H.lookup
, groupAde = valueText "edturl" . errorRequired "edturl" $ H.lookup
data Config = Config
{ configServer :: D.Snowflake
, configGroups :: Map.Map T.Text Group
, configAutoEDTCronDay :: T.Text
, configAutoEDTCronWeek :: T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
{ configServer :: D.Snowflake
, configGroups :: Map.Map T.Text Group
, configAutoEDTCronDay :: T.Text
, configAutoEDTCronWeek :: T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
readConfig :: FilePath -> IO Config
readConfig fp = do
conf_yml <- decodeFileThrow fp :: IO Object
-- print conf_yml
return $ ymlToConf conf_yml
conf_yml <- decodeFileThrow fp :: IO Object
-- print conf_yml
return $ ymlToConf conf_yml
ymlToConf :: Object -> Config
ymlToConf v = Config
{ configServer = server
, configGroups = groups
, configAutoEDTCronDay = autoEdtCronDay
, configAutoEDTCronWeek = autoEdtCronWeek
ymlToConf v = Config { configServer = server
, configGroups = groups
, configAutoEDTCronDay = autoEdtCronDay
, configAutoEDTCronWeek = autoEdtCronWeek
server' = errorRequired "server" $ H.lookup "server" v
server = scitosno $ valueNum "server" server'
groups = parseGroups groupsObject
server' = errorRequired "server" $ H.lookup "server" v
server = scitosno $ valueNum "server" server'
groups = parseGroups groupsObject
groupsObject = H.lookup "groups" v
parseGroups (Just (Object o)) = let groupList' :: H.HashMap T.Text Group
groupList' = fmap ( hmToGroup
. (\case
Object u -> u
_ -> error "groups are objects")
) o
in Map.fromList $ H.toList groupList'
parseGroups (Just (Object o)) =
let groupList' :: H.HashMap T.Text Group
groupList' = fmap
( hmToGroup
. (\case
Object u -> u
_ -> error "groups are objects"
in Map.fromList $ H.toList groupList'
parseGroups _ = error "Wrong format for groups"
autoEdtCronDay =
valueText "autoEdtCronDay"
$ fromMaybe "0 15 * * 0-4"
$ H.lookup "autoEdtCronDay" v
valueText "autoEdtCronDay" $ fromMaybe "0 15 * * 0-4" $ H.lookup
autoEdtCronWeek =
valueText "autoEdtCronWeek"
$ fromMaybe "30 9 * * 0"
$ H.lookup "autoEdtCronWeek" v
valueText "autoEdtCronWeek" $ fromMaybe "30 9 * * 0" $ H.lookup
errorRequired :: [Char] -> Maybe a -> a
errorRequired name = fromMaybe (error $ "required field: " ++ name)
errorRequired name = fromMaybe (error $ "required field: " ++ name)
valueText :: [Char] -> Value -> T.Text
valueText _ (String t) = t
valueText name _ = error $ name ++ " should be a string"
valueNum :: [Char] -> Value -> Scientific
valueNum _ (Number n) = n
valueNum name _ = error $ name ++ " should be an integer"
valueText _ (String t) = t
valueText name _ = error $ name ++ " should be a string"
valueNum :: [Char] -> Value -> Scientific
valueNum _ (Number n) = n
valueNum name _ = error $ name ++ " should be an integer"
scitosno :: Scientific -> D.Snowflake
scitosno = D.Snowflake
. (fromInteger :: Integer -> Word64)
. fromRight (error "Cant read that as an int")
. floatingOrInteger
scitosno :: Scientific -> D.Snowflake
scitosno =
. (fromInteger :: Integer -> Word64)
. fromRight (error "Cant read that as an int")
. floatingOrInteger


@ -4,164 +4,178 @@
module Main where
import Control.Monad (when, void)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (toIO, liftIO, withRunInIO)
import Discord ( def, restCall
, runDiscord, sendCommand
, DiscordHandler
, RunDiscordOpts(..)
import Discord.Types ( Event(..), PartialApplication(..)
, GatewaySendable(..)
, UpdateStatusOpts(..)
, UpdateStatusType(..)
, Activity(..), ActivityType(..)
import Discord.Interactions ( interactionResponseBasic
, Interaction(..)
, InteractionDataApplicationCommand(..)
import qualified Discord.Requests as R
import Commands ( edtResponse, edtCommand
, pingResponse, pingCommand
, remindResponse, remindCommand
, groupCommand, groupResponse
, helpCommand, helpResponse
, Remind(..)
import Conf ( Config(..), Group(..), readConfig )
import qualified System.Cron.Schedule as Cron
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Commands.EDT (getEdt)
import Commands ( edtCommand
, edtResponse
, groupCommand
, groupResponse
, helpCommand
, helpResponse
, pingCommand
, pingResponse
, remindCommand
, remindResponse
import Commands.EDT ( getEdt )
import Commands.Reminds ( Remind(..)
, scheduleRemind
, setupRemindDb
import Conf ( Config(..)
, Group(..)
, readConfig
import qualified Control.Concurrent
import qualified Control.Event as E
import UnliftIO.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile)
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime)
import qualified Control.Event as E
import Control.Monad ( void
, when
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift ( liftIO
, toIO
, withRunInIO
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import Data.Time ( getCurrentTime )
import qualified Database.HDBC as DB
import qualified Database.HDBC.Sqlite3 as DB.SQ3
import Discord ( DiscordHandler
, RunDiscordOpts(..)
, def
, restCall
, runDiscord
, sendCommand
import Discord.Interactions ( Interaction(..)
, InteractionDataApplicationCommand(..)
, interactionResponseBasic
import qualified Discord.Requests as R
import Discord.Types ( Activity(..)
, ActivityType(..)
, Event(..)
, GatewaySendable(..)
, PartialApplication(..)
, Snowflake(Snowflake)
, UpdateStatusOpts(..)
, UpdateStatusType(..)
import qualified System.Cron.Schedule as Cron
import UnliftIO.Directory ( doesFileExist
, removeFile
main :: IO ()
main = do
tok <- TIO.readFile "./auth.secret"
conf <- readConfig "./conf.yaml"
tok <- TIO.readFile "./auth.secret"
conf <- readConfig "./conf.yaml"
eventSystem <- E.initEventSystem
err <- runDiscord $ def { discordToken = tok
, discordOnStart = onDiscordStart conf eventSystem
, discordOnEnd = liftIO $ putStrLn "Ended"
, discordOnEvent = onDiscordEvent conf eventSystem
, discordOnLog =
\s -> TIO.putStrLn s >> TIO.putStrLn ""
err <- runDiscord $ def
{ discordToken = tok
, discordOnStart = onDiscordStart conf eventSystem
, discordOnEnd = liftIO $ putStrLn "Ended"
, discordOnEvent = onDiscordEvent conf eventSystem
, discordOnLog = \s -> TIO.putStrLn s >> TIO.putStrLn ""
TIO.putStrLn err
onDiscordStart :: Config -> E.EventSystem -> DiscordHandler ()
onDiscordStart conf eventSystem = do
activity :: Activity
activity = def { activityName = "Doing stuff"
, activityType = ActivityTypeGame
, activityUrl = Nothing
opts :: UpdateStatusOpts
opts = UpdateStatusOpts { updateStatusOptsSince = Nothing
, updateStatusOptsGame = Just activity
, updateStatusOptsNewStatus = UpdateStatusOnline
, updateStatusOptsAFK = False
onDiscordStart :: Config -> E.EventSystem -> DiscordHandler ()
onDiscordStart conf@Config {..} eventSystem = do
let activity :: Activity
activity = def { activityName = "Doing stuff"
, activityType = ActivityTypeGame
, activityUrl = Nothing
opts :: UpdateStatusOpts
opts = UpdateStatusOpts { updateStatusOptsSince = Nothing
, updateStatusOptsGame = Just activity
, updateStatusOptsNewStatus = UpdateStatusOnline
, updateStatusOptsAFK = False
sendCommand (UpdateStatus opts)
remindDataExist <- liftIO $ doesFileExist ""
when remindDataExist $ do
remindfile <- liftIO $ readFile ""
let reminddata :: [Remind]
reminddata = map read $ lines remindfile
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
liftIO $ removeFile ""
mapM_ (\r -> do
withRunInIO $ \runInIO ->
if now > rmdWhen r then
void $ E.addEvent eventSystem (rmdWhen r)
( do
runInIO ( restCall
$ R.CreateMessage (rmdWhere r)
$ "<@"
`T.append` T.pack (show $rmdWho r)
`T.append` "> **Reminder**\n"
`T.append` rmdWhat r
appendFile "" $ show r
return ()
pure ()
) reminddata
onDiscordEvent :: Config -> E.EventSystem -> Event -> DiscordHandler ()
onDiscordEvent conf@Config{..} eventSystem (Ready _ _ _ _ _ _ (PartialApplication i _)) = do
mapM_ (maybe ( return () )
( void
. restCall
. R.CreateGuildApplicationCommand i configServer
[ pingCommand
, edtCommand conf
, remindCommand
, groupCommand conf
, helpCommand
let glist = Map.toList configGroups
withRunInIO $ \runInIO -> Cron.execSchedule $ do
Cron.addJob ( runInIO
$ pushgroupedt conf "tomorrow" glist
) configAutoEDTCronDay
Cron.addJob ( runInIO
$ pushgroupedt conf "week" glist
) configAutoEDTCronWeek
Cron.addJob (runInIO $ pushgroupedt conf "tomorrow" glist)
Cron.addJob (runInIO $ pushgroupedt conf "week" glist) configAutoEDTCronWeek
-- Ensure the database is setup
liftIO setupRemindDb
-- Get the reminders out of the database
conn <- liftIO $ DB.SQ3.connectSqlite3 "db.sqlite3"
query <- liftIO $ DB.prepare
"SELECT user, channel, message, dt \
\FROM reminds \
\WHERE (datetime(dt) > datetime('now'));"
liftIO $ DB.execute query []
reminds <- liftIO $ DB.fetchAllRows' query
(\[u, c, m, d] -> do
liftIO $ print [u, c, m, d]
Remind { rmdUser = Snowflake $ DB.fromSql u
, rmdChannel = Snowflake $ DB.fromSql c
, rmdMessage = DB.fromSql m
, rmdDatetime = DB.fromSql d
liftIO $ putStrLn "Started"
onDiscordEvent conf@Config{..} eventSystem
( InteractionCreate InteractionApplicationCommand
{ interactionDataApplicationCommand =
{ interactionDataApplicationCommandName = name
, interactionDataApplicationCommandOptions = opts
, ..
, interactionChannelId = Just channel
, interactionGuildId = Just guild
, interactionUser = user
, ..
) = do
response <- responseIO
void $ restCall
onDiscordEvent :: Config -> E.EventSystem -> Event -> DiscordHandler ()
onDiscordEvent conf@Config {..} eventSystem (Ready _ _ _ _ _ _ (PartialApplication i _))
= do
(return ())
(void . restCall . R.CreateGuildApplicationCommand i configServer)
[ pingCommand
, edtCommand conf
, remindCommand
, groupCommand conf
, helpCommand
onDiscordEvent conf@Config {..} eventSystem (InteractionCreate InteractionApplicationCommand { interactionDataApplicationCommand = InteractionDataApplicationCommandChatInput { interactionDataApplicationCommandName = name, interactionDataApplicationCommandOptions = opts, ..}, interactionChannelId = Just channel, interactionGuildId = Just guild, interactionUser = user, ..})
= do
response <- responseIO
void $ restCall
(R.CreateInteractionResponse interactionId interactionToken response)
responseIO = case name of
"ping" -> liftIO $ pingResponse conf
"edt" -> liftIO $ edtResponse conf opts
"remind" -> remindResponse opts eventSystem channel user
"group" -> groupResponse conf user guild opts
"help" -> liftIO helpResponse
_ -> return $ interactionResponseBasic $ "Unhandled Command: " `T.append` name
responseIO = case name of
"ping" -> liftIO $ pingResponse conf
"edt" -> liftIO $ edtResponse conf opts
"remind" -> remindResponse opts eventSystem channel user
"group" -> groupResponse conf user guild opts
"help" -> liftIO helpResponse
_ ->
return $ interactionResponseBasic $ "Unhandled Command: " `T.append` name
onDiscordEvent _ _ _ = return ()
pushgroupedt :: Config -> T.Text ->[(T.Text, Group)] -> DiscordHandler ()
pushgroupedt conf@Config{..} day glist = do
mapM_ (\(gn, Group{groupChannel = gc}) -> do
edt <- liftIO $ getEdt conf $ Map.fromList [("group", gn), ("day", day )]
$ TIO.putStrLn
$ "Putting out time table for group "
`T.append` gn
`T.append` " in "
`T.append` T.pack (show gc)
`T.append` ":\n"
`T.append` edt
restCall $ R.CreateMessage gc (edt `T.append` "\nAutomatic time table")
return ()
) glist
pushgroupedt :: Config -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, Group)] -> DiscordHandler ()
pushgroupedt conf@Config {..} day glist = do
(\(gn, Group { groupChannel = gc }) -> do
edt <- liftIO $ getEdt conf $ Map.fromList [("group", gn), ("day", day)]
$ TIO.putStrLn
$ "Putting out time table for group "
`T.append` gn
`T.append` " in "
`T.append` T.pack (show gc)
`T.append` ":\n"
`T.append` edt
restCall $ R.CreateMessage gc (edt `T.append` "\nAutomatic time table")
return ()


@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ executable botiut
, Commands.EDT
, Commands.Reminds
, Conf
@ -50,5 +51,8 @@ executable botiut
, unliftio
, mtl
, control-event
, HDBC-sqlite3
, convertible
hs-source-dirs: app
default-language: Haskell2010


@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ extra-deps:
- mime-
- discord-haskell-1.12.1
- control-event-1.3
- HDBC-sqlite3-
## My fork of discord-haskell to PR bug fixes and have them before merge
# - github: Annwan/discord-haskell
# commit: <insert pactch commit>
