You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

356 lines
13 KiB

#import "@preview/cetz:0.2.2"
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width: 120cm,
height: 120cm,
margin: 0cm,
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black: color.luma(0%),
white: color.luma(100%),
central: color.rgb(50%, 0%, 0%),
transversal: color.rgb(0%, 50%, 0%),
southern: color.rgb(0%, 0%, 50%),
slab: color.luma(50%),
western: color.rgb("#8f6030"),
aquatic: color.rgb("#ff4000"),
ngafrican: color.rgb("#ff8f8f"),
transfortunate: color.rgb(100%, 0%, 100%),
cuba: color.rgb("#b3b3ff"),
archipelago: color.rgb("#fcba03"),
transamujan: color.rgb("#924e7d"),
forest: color.rgb("#4d8787"),
corner: color.rgb("#be93e3"),
local: color.luma(0%),
#let pos = (
above : (x: 0, y: 2.5, anchor: "south"),
below : (x: 0, y: -2, anchor: "north"),
left : (x: -2, y: 0, anchor: "east"),
right : (x: 2, y: 0, anchor: "west"),
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below-left : (x: -2, y: -2, anchor: "north-east"),
below-right: (x: 2, y: -2, anchor: "north-west")
#let mks(x, y, n, po) = (x: x, y: y, name: n, pos: po, phantom: none)
#let mkp(x, y) = (x: x, y:y, phantom: true)
#let stations = (
// Central line 0
tts1: mks( -47.7, 50, [Tantsang], none),
_005: mkp( -35, 50),
_000: mkp( -30, 45),
kcy1: mks( -30, 30, [Yija], none),
kcc1: mks( -30, 10, [Parkow], "below-right"),
_001: mkp( -30, 5),
_002: mkp( -25, 0),
kcm1: mks( -20, 0, [Port Marcy], none),
mzl1: mks( -10, 0, [Liztarp], "above"),
mzs1: mks( 0, 0, [Spawn], "below"),
mzt1: mks( 10, 0, [Tisheongja], "above"),
mzc1: mks( 20, 0, [New Citadel], "below"),
xvh1: mks( 30, 0, [Vee’s Hole], "below-right"),
_003: mkp( 35, 0),
_004: mkp( 40, 5),
kzk1: mks( 40, 10, [Kozdenen #transit], "above-right"),
rer1: mks( 40, 20, [R̦ijeləm], "right"),
epi1: mks( 40, 30, [i Êpcêm], "right"),
// Transversal 1
ort1: mks( -90, 35, [Todoian], "right"),
xg21: mks( -90, 40, [Guam 2], "right"),
xph1: mks( -90, 45, [Phoeŋix], "right"),
ztb1: mks( -90, 50, [Balijom], "right"),
ztz1: mks( -90, 55, [Zotazil], "right"),
dof1: mks( -90, 60, [Froglight Junction #transit], "right"),
_010: mkp( -90, 65),
_011: mkp( -85, 70),
dor1: mks( -80, 70, [Rintìh], "above"),
hen1: mks( -70, 70, [Nóreesá], "below"),
heq1: mks( -60, 70, [Qòhééhinyèè], "above"),
_014: mkp( -55, 70),
_015: mkp( -50, 65),
hep1: mks( -50, 60, [Pámù], "left"),
tts2: mks( -50, 50, [Tantsang], "left"),
hlg1: mks( -50, 40, [Glitter Island], "left"),
hlf1: mks( -50, 30, [Fliegenpilz], "left"),
hlh1: mks( -50, 20, [Mitthumm City], "above-left"),
_012: mkp( -50, 15),
_013: mkp( -45, 10),
kcc2: mks( -27.7, 10, [Parkow], none),
imp1: mks( 0, 10, [Imerchal Pfr.], "below"),
kzk2: mks( 42.3, 10, [], none),
ekh1: mks( 70, 10, [Enkavak Harbour], "below-right"),
xio1: mks( 90, 10, [Iopvixen’s Fort], "above"),
xce1: mks( 100, 10, [Cesarea], "below"),
_016: mkp( 105, 10),
_017: mkp( 110, 15),
xsb1: mks( 110, 20, [Sidón y Biblos], "right"),
xmt1: mks( 110, 25, [Mesa Temple], "right"),
xmb1: mks( 110, 30, [Marti’s base], "right"),
xmv1: mks( 110, 35, [Marti’s village], "right"),
// Southern 2
kcm2: mks( -20, -2.3, [Port Marcy], "below"),
_020: mkp( -12.3, -2.3),
_021: mkp( -10, -5),
ttm1: mks( -10, -10, [Moshas], "right"),
tqt1: mks( -10, -20, [Þunan Ŋáce], "right"),
tqs1: mks( -10, -30, [Saxland], "right"),
nan1: mks( -10, -40, [Nārospiňt], "right"),
ary1: mks( -10, -50, [Yuɱa #transit], "right"),
rpk1: mks( -10, -60, [Kanga], "right"),
_022: mkp( -10, -65),
_023: mkp( -15, -70),
ama1: mks( -20, -70, [Drebzha], none),
_024: mkp( -25, -70),
_025: mkp( -30, -65),
xsh1: mks( -30, -60, [Scarecrow Hbr.\ #transit], "right"),
fpa1: mks( -30, -50, [Allium], "left"),
arf1: mks( -30, -40, [Flagstaff], "left"),
nbt1: mks( -30, -30, [Ŋibraltar], "left"),
_026: mkp( -30, -5),
_027: mkp( -27.7, -2.3),
// Slab 3
kcy2: mks(-25.4, 30, [Yija], none),
sxg1: mks( 0, 30, [Slab Exchange], "above"),
edt1: mks( 20, 30, [Tordanniòge], "above"),
// Western 4
vaz1: mks( -80, 10, [The Vazr], "right"),
pet1: mks( -80, 0, [TTPD Era #transit], "right"),
pe11: mks( -80, -10, [1989 Era #transit], "right"),
_040: mkp( -80, -15),
_041: mkp( -75, -20),
zgw1: mks( -70, -20, [Ʒimh Gwynh], "below-left"),
cba1: mks( -60, -20, [Anweigh], "below-right"),
tqn1: mks( -40, -20, [Ŋájaþáw], "above"),
tqt2: mks( -12.3, -20, [Þunan Ŋáce], none),
// Aquatic 5
amm1: mks( -40, -100, [Mawg], "left"),
kzg1: mks( -40, -90, [Blighted Shrine], "left"),
_050: mkp( -40, -79.6),
_051: mkp( -35, -74.6),
ama2: mks( -20, -74.6, [Drebzha], none),
ayk1: mks( 10, -74.6, [Kaath Tran], "below-left"),
ayr1: mks( 20, -74.6, [Ruôy Rûdak], "below"),
fst1: mks( 30, -74.6, [Tarpoenstad], none),
trc1: mks( 40, -74.6, [Czägrÿxyx], "below"),
xcc1: mks( 50, -74.6, [Capitol], "above"),
xci1: mks( 60, -74.6, [Citadel Island], none),
// Ŋafrican 6
mry1: mks( -80, 20, [Maryland], "above"),
hla1: mks( -70, 20, [Auŕol Uraxe], "below"),
hlh2: mks( -54.6, 20, [Mitthumm City], none),
// Transfortunate 7
ayk2: mks( 10, -76.9, [Kaath Tran], none),
rmj1: mks( 10, -90, [Madness Junction], "right"),
awv1: mks( 10, -100, [V́aisi], none),
_070: mkp( 10, -105),
_071: mkp( 15, -110),
han1: mks( 20, -110, [Hanebrug], "below"),
// Cuba line 8
hlh3: mks( -52.3, 20, [Mitthum City], none),
obr1: mks( -52.3, 0, [Oberia], "above-left"),
_080: mkp( -52.3, -12.3),
_081: mkp( -57.7, -17.7),
cba2: mks( -60, -17.7, [Anweigh], none),
_082: mkp( -62.3, -17.7),
_083: mkp( -70, -27.7),
cbv1: mks( -70, -30, [Chillvana], "left"),
cbc1: mks( -70, -40, [Old Cuba], "left"),
cbf1: mks( -70, -50, [Frostanamo Bay], none),
_084: mkp( -70, -55),
_085: mkp( -65, -60),
cbm1: mks( -60, -60, [Faeran], "below-right"),
cbn1: mks( -40, -60, [Mt. Navia], "above"),
xsh2: mks( -32.3, -60, [Scarecrow Harbour], none),
// Archipelago 9
cbm2: mks( -60, -62.3, [Faeran], none),
svs1: mks(-60, -70, [Sta Wejs], "below"),
// Transamujan 10
ama3: mks( -20, -76.9, [Drebzha], "below"),
_100: mkp( -25, -76.9),
_101: mkp( -30, -81.9),
lri1: mks( -30, -90, [Idanopolis], "right"),
// Local -- Enkavak a
eke1: mks( 70, 0, [Ekativak], "right"),
ekh2: mks( 70, 7.3, [Enkavak Harbour], none),
ekn1: mks( 70, 20, [Ngishmgak], "left"),
ekt1: mks( 70, 30, [Thurishgak], "left"),
_a00: mkp( 70, 12),
_a01: mkp( 80, 17),
ekg1: mks( 80, 20, [Enkavak Govt.], "above"),
// Local -- Shingtsun b
kce1: mks( -27.7, 60, [Esane], "right"),
ung1: mks( -27.7, 50, [United Ŋations HQ], "right"),
kci1: mks( -27.7, 40, [North Yija], "right"),
kcy3: mks( -27.7, 30, [Yija], "above-right"),
_b00: mkp( -27.7, 25),
_b01: mkp( -25, 22.3),
kcs1: mks( -20, 22.3, [Shingtin Xeh], "above-right"),
kcp1: mks( 0, 22.3, [Peregansia], "below"),
vaf1: mks( 20, 22.3, [Cyerin Forest], "above"),
van1: mks( 30, 22.3, [Vanstérelle], "below"),
// Local -- Fishland c
fst2: mks( 30, -72.3, [Tarpoenstad], "above-left"),
fsn1: mks( 30, -60, [Northern Plains], "left"),
// Local -- Kyaw Cen Sheep d
kcc3: mks( -32.3, 10, [Parkow], none),
kch1: mks( -32.3, 0, [Sheep Isl.], "left"),
// Local -- Imerchal e
imc1: mks( -10, 12.3, [West Chalmosique], "above"),
imp2: mks( 0, 12.3, [], none),
imq1: mks( 10, 12.3, [Quépichal], "right"),
_e00: mkp( 17.7, 20),
vaf2: mks( 20, 20, [Cyerin Forest], none),
// Forest 11
ams1: mks( -30, -72.3, [Shangu], "above-left"),
ama4: mks( -20, -72.3, [Drebzha], none),
sak1: mks( -10, -72.3, [Kuzhgub Peninsula], "right"),
// Local -- Aistóv́y f
awr1: mks( 0, -102.3, [Rikížmüs], "below"),
awv2: mks( 10, -102.3, [V́aisi], "above-left"),
awm1: mks( 20, -102.3, [Meǯjaiti], "below"),
awk1: mks( 30, -102.3, [Kentóv́us], "above"),
// Local -- Everglacier g
cbf2: mks(-72.3, -50, [Frostanamo Bay], "left"),
cbe1: mks(-72.3, -60, [Everglacier Nat’l Park], "left"),
// Corner 12
dcj1: mks(62.3, -60, [Dchâjâ Mountain], "right"),
xci2: mks(62.3, -74.6, [Citadel Island], "right"),
crv1: mks(62.3, -90, [Vizdanja], "right"),
// Key
_00a: mks(110, -20, [Central], "right"),
_00b: mkp(100, -20),
_01a: mks(110, -25, [Transversal], "right"),
_01b: mkp(100, -25),
_02a: mks(110, -30, [Southern], "right"),
_02b: mkp(100, -30),
_03a: mks(110, -35, [Slab], "right"),
_03b: mkp(100, -35),
_04a: mks(110, -40, [Western], "right"),
_04b: mkp(100, -40),
_05a: mks(110, -45, [Aquatic], "right"),
_05b: mkp(100, -45),
_06a: mks(110, -50, [Ŋafrican], "right"),
_06b: mkp(100, -50),
_07a: mks(110, -55, [Transfortunate], "right"),
_07b: mkp(100, -55),
_08a: mks(110, -60, [Cuba], "right"),
_08b: mkp(100, -60),
_09a: mks(110, -65, [Archipelago], "right"),
_09b: mkp(100, -65),
_10a: mks(110, -70, [Transamujan], "right"),
_10b: mkp(100, -70),
_11a: mks(110, -75, [Forest], "right"),
_11b: mkp(100, -75),
_12a: mks(110, -80, [Corner], "right"),
_12b: mkp(100, -80),
_x0a: mks(110, -85, [Local], "right"),
_x0b: mkp(100, -85),
_x1a: mks(110, -90, [In Construction], "right"),
_x1b: mkp(100, -90),
#let lines = (
("central", "tts1", "_005", "_000", "kcy1", "kcc1", "_001", "_002", "kcm1", "mzl1", "mzs1", "mzt1", "mzc1", "xvh1", "_003", "_004", "kzk1", "rer1", "epi1"),
("transversal", "ort1", "xg21", "xph1", "ztb1", "ztz1", "dof1", "_010", "_011", "dor1", "hen1", "heq1", "_014", "_015", "hep1", "tts2", "hlg1", "hlf1", "hlh1", "_012", "_013", "kcc1", "imp1", "kzk2", "ekh1", "xio1", "xce1", "_016", "_017", "xsb1", "xmt1", "xmt1", "xmb1", "xmv1"),
("southern", "kcm2", "_020", "_021", "ttm1", "tqt1", "tqs1", "nan1", "ary1", "rpk1", "_022", "_023", "ama1", "_024", "_025", "xsh1", "fpa1", "arf1", "nbt1", "_026", "_027", "kcm2"),
("slab", "kcy2", "sxg1", "edt1"),
("western", "pet1", "pe11", "_040", "_041", "zgw1", "cba1", "tqn1", "tqt2"),
("aquatic", "amm1", "kzg1", "_050", "_051", "ama2", "ayk1", "ayr1", "fst1", "trc1", "xcc1", "xci1"),
("ngafrican", "mry1", "hla1", "hlh2"),
("transfortunate", "ayk2", "rmj1", "awv1"),
("cuba", "hlh3", "obr1", "_080", "_081", "cba2", "_082", "_083", "cbv1", "cbc1", "cbf1"), ("cuba", "cbm1", "cbn1", "xsh2"),
("archipelago", "cbm2", "svs1"),
("transamujan", "ama3", "_100", "_101", "lri1"),
("local", "eke1", "ekh2", "ekn1", "ekt1"), ("local", "ekh2", "_a00", "_a01", "ekg1"),
("local", "kce1", "ung1", "kci1", "kcy3", "_b00", "_b01", "kcs1", "kcp1", "vaf1", "van1"),
("local", "fst2", "fsn1"),
("local", "kcc3", "kch1"),
("local", "imp2", "imq1", "_e00", "vaf2"),
("forest", "ams1", "ama4", "sak1"),
("local", "awr1", "awv2", "awm1", "awk1"),
("local", "cbf2", "cbe1"),
("corner", "crv1", "xci2", "dcj1"),
// Key
("central", "_00a", "_00b"),
("transversal", "_01a", "_01b"),
("southern", "_02a", "_02b"),
("slab", "_03a", "_03b"),
("western", "_04a", "_04b"),
("aquatic", "_05a", "_05b"),
("ngafrican", "_06a", "_06b"),
("transfortunate", "_07a", "_07b"),
("cuba", "_08a", "_08b"),
("archipelago", "_09a", "_09b"),
("transamujan", "_10a", "_10b"),
("forest", "_11a", "_11b"),
("corner", "_12a", "_12b"),
("local", "_x0a", "_x0b"),
#let clines = (
("western", "vaz1", "pet1"),
("cuba", "cbf1", "_084", "_085", "cbm1"),
("transfortunate", "awv1", "_070", "_071", "han1"),
("local", "imc1", "imp2"),
// Key
("local", "_x1a", "_x1b")
#align(center + horizon, cetz.canvas(
length: 0.5cm,
import cetz.draw: *
for (n, ..l) in lines {
let coords = => (,
line(..coords, stroke: thick +,)
for (n, ..l) in clines {
let coords = => (,
line(..coords, stroke: (paint:, dash: "loosely-dotted", thickness: thick/2))
for (code, s) in stations {
if s.phantom != none {continue}
circle((s.x, s.y), s: none, fill:, radius: 1.5, name: code)
circle((s.x, s.y), s: none, fill: c.white, radius: 0.75)
if s.pos != none {
if code.starts-with("_") {
let label = []
(s.x +, s.y +,
} else {
let label = [ *#upper(code.slice(0, 3))*]
(s.x +, s.y +,
content((60, 60), text(size: 5cm,)[*Ŋəcraft Railways*])
content((105, -10), text(size: 2cm)[*Key*])