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Mosici Translations

CWS Glossica week 2024-10-21

planet ADE person PROX.PL COP.3.AN 3.TEMP.NPST warrior DIST.PL CONJ.listing.inclusive mind TOP.AN<CNS.3> god COP.3.AN

these people on the planet are those wariors who list what the will of god is. ???????

an-Sortahc cosvet rikapt lapáp iet an-nirisieaolnéht astanorc la ain an-iplesà

DEF-god-GEN will.ACC COP.NMZ.ACC tell.NMZ.PL 3S.DIST.ACC DEF-warrior.PL.ACC world.GEN LOC 3S.PROX DEF-person.PL

Hambone — The Deathworlders Chapter 0

“Next!” I ordered. I did not at first bother to look up from the desktop in front of me where the standard security systems were scanning the being in front of me for weapons, pathogens, parasites and other such contraband. I only looked up when the machine flashed a message I had never seen before: “ERROR: Unknown Species”

‘Next’ | order.PST.1S ǁ First NEG-look.PST.1S above 1S.GEN desktop.GEN front.GEN LOC | 3SI.GEN LOC security.GEN tool.PL default.GNO.PCP 3SI.GEN front.GEN LOC DEF-"being" weapon.PL.ABL disease.PL.ABL other.GEN contraband.ABL PRG-scan.PST.3SI ǁ look.PST.1S one.ACC TEMPLOC 1S already message.ACC NEG-see.PST.PCP.ACC TEMPLOC | ‘error | species NEG-know.GNO.PCP’

[Relopian] ihenazoif. Monc taehvelif oítap elc esovemiponc napalnec la, ainc la faóc asiflhaoíi oisaínlap ainc napalnec la an-iplesa olnehsasifévia asévia hsnac tsietresiansiaívia tzocaóehvelis. ehvelif mont anop el cirtat poívóspaoript anop, [alfe, oiauefra tavolanap].

DONE grammar update

-Cs nouns in genitive -C not -Cc

Ŋəcord/translation-activities — ŋ’t 2024-10-29 05:30 CET

#+begin_quote NEW ANCIENT TABLET DISCOVERED, MAY REVEAL WHAT DESTROYED EGYPT (it's Sumerian and we cannot read any of it except a word for "barley") #+end_quot

SAMCIRTET ALETAP DZO-WASONELA, O AN-MÁSLT AENIALIPT SNI-MOSEMAS (an-Sómervia i sinet sni-ta-naluareáv, san «polane»-si ilailast.)

Ŋəcord/translation-activities — Ma̦z Ylahra̦míe 2024-11-01 02:53 CET

This channel is for translation activities where someone posts a text to translate and then people post their translations of the text. This feels more like a ⁠#conlang-showcase post

ain-Ciavancirtec ezánae ilamávapc tzociatziát. Cirtat cirtah, opian iplesá iec ilamávápt cirtár. ain [#ilaierapc-osólnra]-c jolnat.

DEM-channel.GEN goal translate.NMZ.GEN activity.PL.ACC ǁ text.ACC write.GNO.3SA | then people 3SA.GEN translate.NMZ.PL.ACC write.GNO.3PA ǁ DEM [conlang.GEN display.GNO.INF]-GEN kind.ACC