Cursed Conlang Circus 3 submission
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

366 lines
17 KiB

\newfontfamily\jp{Noto Sans CJK JP}[Scale=MatchUppercase]
\color{blue!50!white}+690 042 \space%
\color{red!50!white}broadcasts \space%
\color{violet!50!white}(length=#3) \space%
\color{green!50!white}[#1] \\%
This video may contain some mis-balanced audio because pure sine waves are very hard to balance properly. I tried my best but ¯\textbackslash\_({\jp})\_/¯, sorry in advance.
\begin{center}An entry in the 3\textsuperscript{rd} annual Cursed Conlang Circus\end{center}
\item Spoken by various appliances connected to the phone network that gained sapience
\item Originated Israel in the early 2000s\footnote{Meta: Really, it’s just to justify the pick for character encoding in lore, the real reason is that it is the most cumbersome and pointlessly stupid I could come up with} {\footnotesize(this will be relevant later)}
\item Now used all across the globe
& \bf 1209 Hz & \bf 1336 Hz & \bf 1477 Hz & \bf 1633 Hz \\\hline
\bf 697 Hz & \tt 1 & \tt 2 & \tt 3 & \tt A \\
\bf 770 Hz & \tt 4 & \tt 5 & \tt 6 & \tt B \\
\bf 852 Hz & \tt 7 & \tt 8 & \tt 9 & \tt C \\
\bf 941 Hz & \tt * & \tt 0 & \tt \# & \tt D
\small DTMF Tones\footnote{Table proudly copied from Wikipedia}
A packet is the smallest amount of information that can be transmitted
\draw[white] (0, 0) -- (13, 0) -- (13, 1) -- (0, 1) -- (0, 0);
\node at (1, 0.5) {\footnotesize Recipient};
\draw[white] (2, 0) -- (2, 1);
\node at (2.75, 0.5) {\footnotesize Sender};
\draw[white] (3.5, 0) -- (3.5, 1);
\node at (4.25, 0.5) {\footnotesize Seq\#};
\draw[white] (5, 0) -- (5, 1);
\node at (5.75, 0.5) {\footnotesize Type};
\draw[white] (6.5, 0) -- (6.5, 1);
\node at (7.25, 0.5) {\footnotesize Length};
\draw[white] (8, 0) -- (8, 1);
\node at (10.5, 0.5) {\footnotesize Data};
\small Structure of a packet
\slide{Recipient and Sender}
\draw[fill=red!33!black] (0, 0) -- (3.5, 0) -- (3.5, 1) -- (0, 1) -- (0, 0);
\draw[white] (0, 0) -- (13, 0) -- (13, 1) -- (0, 1) -- (0, 0);
\node at (1, 0.5) {\footnotesize Recipient};
\draw[white] (2, 0) -- (2, 1);
\node at (2.75, 0.5) {\footnotesize Sender};
\draw[white] (3.5, 0) -- (3.5, 1);
\node at (4.25, 0.5) {\footnotesize Seq\#};
\draw[white] (5, 0) -- (5, 1);
\node at (5.75, 0.5) {\footnotesize Type};
\draw[white] (6.5, 0) -- (6.5, 1);
\node at (7.25, 0.5) {\footnotesize Length};
\draw[white] (8, 0) -- (8, 1);
\node at (10.5, 0.5) {\footnotesize Data};
\item The intended recipient and the sender of a message.
\item Fully qualified international phone numbers.
\item A lone {\tt\#} can be used as recipient to send to anyone willing to listen
\item A lone {\tt\#} can be used as sender to send anonymously.
\slide{Sequence Number}
\draw[fill=red!33!black] (3.5, 0) -- (5, 0) -- (5, 1) -- (3.5, 1) -- (3.5, 0);
\draw[white] (0, 0) -- (13, 0) -- (13, 1) -- (0, 1) -- (0, 0);
\node at (1, 0.5) {\footnotesize Recipient};
\draw[white] (2, 0) -- (2, 1);
\node at (2.75, 0.5) {\footnotesize Sender};
\draw[white] (3.5, 0) -- (3.5, 1);
\node at (4.25, 0.5) {\footnotesize Seq\#};
\draw[white] (5, 0) -- (5, 1);
\node at (5.75, 0.5) {\footnotesize Type};
\draw[white] (6.5, 0) -- (6.5, 1);
\node at (7.25, 0.5) {\footnotesize Length};
\draw[white] (8, 0) -- (8, 1);
\node at (10.5, 0.5) {\footnotesize Data};
\item The number of messages previously sent by the sender to the recipient
\item Encoded over 3 tones interpreted as a decimal number
\item Allows for understanding even if packets arrive out of order.
\draw[fill=red!33!black] (5, 0) -- (6.5, 0) -- (6.5, 1) -- (5, 1) -- (5, 0);
\draw[white] (0, 0) -- (13, 0) -- (13, 1) -- (0, 1) -- (0, 0);
\node at (1, 0.5) {\footnotesize Recipient};
\draw[white] (2, 0) -- (2, 1);
\node at (2.75, 0.5) {\footnotesize Sender};
\draw[white] (3.5, 0) -- (3.5, 1);
\node at (4.25, 0.5) {\footnotesize Seq\#};
\draw[white] (5, 0) -- (5, 1);
\node at (5.75, 0.5) {\footnotesize Type};
\draw[white] (6.5, 0) -- (6.5, 1);
\node at (7.25, 0.5) {\footnotesize Length};
\draw[white] (8, 0) -- (8, 1);
\node at (10.5, 0.5) {\footnotesize Data};
One tone indicating the type of the Data
\item[0] Semantic information
\item[A] Variable
\item[*] Gramatical information
\item[\#] String litteral
\item[1] Continuation
\draw[fill=red!33!black] (8, 0) -- (6.5, 0) -- (6.5, 1) -- (8, 1) -- (8, 0);
\draw[white] (0, 0) -- (13, 0) -- (13, 1) -- (0, 1) -- (0, 0);
\node at (1, 0.5) {\footnotesize Recipient};
\draw[white] (2, 0) -- (2, 1);
\node at (2.75, 0.5) {\footnotesize Sender};
\draw[white] (3.5, 0) -- (3.5, 1);
\node at (4.25, 0.5) {\footnotesize Seq\#};
\draw[white] (5, 0) -- (5, 1);
\node at (5.75, 0.5) {\footnotesize Type};
\draw[white] (6.5, 0) -- (6.5, 1);
\node at (7.25, 0.5) {\footnotesize Length};
\draw[white] (8, 0) -- (8, 1);
\node at (10.5, 0.5) {\footnotesize Data};
\item Length of the Data field in tones
\item 2 tones interpreted as a decimal number
\item maximum length of 32.
\slide{Data — Gramatical}
\item Encodes Gramatical and Syntactic information
\item Has a fixed number of possible values
\slide{Data — Gramatical}
\item[{\tt A1}] {\sc 1sg} produces a reference to the speaker
\item[{\tt A2}] {\sc 2sg} produces a reference to the listener
\item[{\tt 1}] {\sc assert} produces a clause that the argument is true/exists
\item[{\tt 2A}] {\sc ntrans} Takes two arguments and produces the clause with the first argument as Agent and the second argument as Verb.
\item[{\tt 2B}] {\sc ntrans.passv} Takes two arguments and produces the clause with the first argument as Patient and the second argument as Verb.
\item[{\tt 3}] {\sc trans} Takes three arguments and produces the clause with the first argument as Subject, the second argument as Object, and the third argument as Verb. For an equivalent of a passive construction, simply reverse the arguments.
\item[{\tt 4}] {\sc ditrans} takes four arguments and produces the clause with the first argument as Subject, the second as Object, the third as Beneficiary and the fourth as Verb.
\item[{\tt 0}] {\sc let} takes a variable packet and a syntactic construct and assigns the syntactic construct as value of the variable. the Variable may, after this point be used in stead of the construct, this is effectively a pronoun, but not limited to just nouns and noun phrases.
\item[{\tt B}] {\sc new clause} takes 2 clauses and produces the utterance containing both clauses in succession. Can be called recursively on itself to accomodate any number of clauses,
\item[{\tt D}] {\sc ppn} takes a string litteral of a variable containing a string litteral and a qualifier and produces the matching proper noun
\slide{Data — Variable}
\item A reference to some data, like a pronoun but way more specific
\item Defined with a {\sc let} construction
\item Variable identifier can only be number
\slide{Data — Semantic}
\item Encodes a concept.
\item Uses the Universal Decimal Classification to represent information\footnote{Meta: I didn’t want to have to arbitrarilly coin words for like a week}\footnote{Meta: Also I wanted something that could reasonably be encoded onto DTMF without feeling too arbitrary}:
\item numerical values are enocded by their corresponding tones
\item periods (which are only present in UDC to help readability) are dropped
\item colons are encoded as {\tt C*}
\item parenthesis are encoded as {\tt A*} (opening) and {\tt A\#} (closing)
\item square brackets are encoded as {\tt B*} (opening) and {\tt B\#} (closing)
\item quotes are encoded as {\tt C\#}
\item dashes are encoded as {\tt D*}
\item equals are encoded as {\tt D\#}
\item pluses are encoded as {\tt \#}
\item References to variables are done by including the name of the variable in between {\tt *}
\item Non UDC notation is achieved by referencing a variable containing a string litteral.
\footnote{Non-UDC notation is used for the likes of specific dimensions, units, catalogs of specific objects, etc...}
\item a semantic packet with no data value is considered a “generic” akin to a non-specific 3rd person pronoun
\item No dictionary is directly provided by me.\footnote{Meta: also I didn’t want to copy numbers for 2 weeks straight}
\item Abriged version of the UDC at {\tt}
\item A more complte version can be obtain from the consortium, or be conuslted at a library.
\slide{Data — String Litteral}
Raw text data
\item Encoded as hexadecimal where {\tt *} stands for 0xE and {\tt\#} stands for 0xF
\item Follows the EBCDIC 803 codepage
\item If characters outside of EBCDIC 803, decompose, convert all characters to unicode in the form U+xxxxxxxx, then express that with EBCDIC 803 \footnotesize{(Yes, that means that most proper nouns take actual ages to emit)}
\slide{Data — String Literal — EBCDIC 803}
\def\s#1{{\fontsize{6}{8}\selectfont\itshape\bfseries #1}}
& \bf x0 & \bf x1 & \bf x2 & \bf x3 & \bf x4 & \bf x5 & \bf x6 & \bf x7 & \bf x8 & \bf x9 & \bf xA & \bf xB & \bf xC & \bf xD & \bf xE & \bf xF \\\hline
\bf 0x&\s{NUL}&\s{SOH}&\s{STX}&\s{ETX}&\s{ST}&\s{HT}&\s{SSA}&\s{DEL}&\s{SSA}&\s{RI}&\s{SS2}&\s{VT}&\s{FF}&\s{CR}&\s{SO}&\s{SI}\\
\bf 1x&\s{DLE}&\s{DC1}&\s{DC2}&\s{DC3}&\s{OSC}&\s{NL}&\s{BS}&\s{ESA}&\s{CAN}&\s{EM}&\s{PU2}&\s{SS3}&\s{IFS}&\s{IGS}&\s{IRS}&\s{ITB}\\
\bf 2x&\s{PAD}&\s{HOP}&\s{BPH}&\s{NBH}&\s{IND}&\s{LF}&\s{ETB}&\s{ESC}&\s{HTS}&\s{HTJ}&\s{VTS}&\s{PLD}&\s{UP}&\s{ENQ}&\s{ACK}&\s{BEL}\\
\bf 3x&\s{DCS}&\s{BU1}&\s{SYN}&\s{STS}&\s{CCH}&\s{MW}&\s{SPA}&\s{EOT}&\s{SOS}&\s{SGCI}&\s{SCI}&\s{CSI}&\s{DC4}&\s{NAK}&\s{PM}&\s{SUB}\\\hline
\bf 4x& \s{SP} &&&&&&&&&&\$&.&<&(&+&|\\
\bf 5x&\h א&&&&&&&&&&!&\h לי֞&*&)&;&¬\\
\bf 6x&-&&&&&&&&&&&,&\%&\_&>&?\\
\bf 7x&&&&&&&&&&&:&\#&@&\textquotesingle&=&\textquotedbl\\\hline
\bf 8x&&\h ב &\h ג &\h ד &\h ה &\h ו &\h ז &\h ח &\h ט &\h י &&&&&&\\
\bf 9x&&\h ך &\h כ &\h ל &\h ם &\h מ &\h ן &\h נ &\h ס &\h ע &&&&&\h&\\
\bf Ax&&&\h ע &\h ף &\h פ &\h ץ &\h צ &\h ק &\h ר &\h ש &\h ת &&&&&\\
\bf Bx&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&\\\hline
\bf Cx&&A&B&C&D&E&F&G&H&I&&&&&&\\
\bf Dx&&J&K&L&M&N&O&P&Q&R&&\s{LRO}&\s{RLO}&\s{PDF}&&\\
\bf Ex&&&S&T&U&V&W&X&Y&Z&&&&&&\\
\bf Fx&0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8&9&&\s{LRF}&\s{RLF}&\s{LRM}&\s{RLM}&\s{APC}\\
\slide{Data — Continuation}
\item Used when the data segment of a packet exceeds 32
\item Can chain an arbitrary number of those (until all data is expressed)
Hark! It was ruled by Agamashuya and His son Gu Sabah: Tian practices against the lesser side of the invisible origin of light, beset by cosmetic prohibitions of silence and restraint; for Ngu, a slave to creativity, shall make inspection and certification prior to confirmation of Najva Guns’ official status. Deny thine humanity: There are no politics in real life.
\slide{Extra info about the translation}
\item This translation will be delivered as if from a a speaker in Tekalau\footnote{Meta: Because that’s the place that had the shortest fully qualified phone numbers that I could find, but also because it lets me get away with having both 69 and 42 in the phone number.}
\item It will be delivered as if broadcast to the network\footnote{Meta: Again, to keep it short}
\item There might be mistakes in the audio due to typos \footnote{Go check 10 tones per seconds for 3 minutes without perfect pitch}
\tslide{001}{*}{01}{B}{\sc new clause}
\tslide{002}{*}{01}{B}{\sc new clause}
\tslide{003}{*}{01}{B}{\sc new clause}
\tslide{004}{*}{01}{B}{\sc new clause}
\tslide{005}{*}{01}{B}{\sc new clause}
\tslide{006}{*}{01}{B}{\sc new clause}
\tslide{007}{*}{01}{B}{\sc new clause}
\tslide{008}{*}{01}{1}{\sc assert}
\tslide{009}{*}{02}{A1}{\sc 1sg}
\tslide{010}{*}{01}{0}{\sc let}
\tslide{011}{A}{01}{0}{\sc var(0)}
\tslide{012}{*}{01}{D}{\sc proper noun}
\tslide{013}{\#}{32}{*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#4\#1*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0}{{\sc litteral} “Agamasuya”}
\tslide{014}{1}{32}{\#0\#0\#6\#7*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#6\#1*44*}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{015}{1}{32}{\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#6C4*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{016}{1}{32}{\#6\#1*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#7\#3*44*\#0\#0}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{017}{1}{32}{\#0\#0\#0\#0\#6\#8*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#7\#5}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{018}{1}{20}{*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#6\#1}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{020}{*}{01}{3}{\sc transitive clause}
\tslide{021}{*}{01}{C}{\sc collection}
\tslide{022}{A}{01}{0}{\sc var(0)}
\tslide{023}{*}{01}{D}{\sc proper noun}
\tslide{024}{\#}{32}{*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#4\#7*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0}{{\sc litteral} “Gu Sabah”}
\tslide{025}{1}{32}{\#0\#0\#7\#5*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#2\#0*44*}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{026}{1}{32}{\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#5\#3*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{027}{1}{32}{\#6\#1*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#6\#2*44*\#0\#0}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{028}{1}{32}{\#0\#0\#0\#0\#6\#1*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#6\#8}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{029}{0}{16}{D*0551\#0556C**0*}{male child of {\sc var(0)}}
\tslide{030}{*}{00}{}{\sc generic}
\tslide{032}{*}{01}{3}{\sc transitive clause}
\tslide{033}{*}{01}{D}{\sc proper noun}
\tslide{034}{\#}{32}{*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#5\#4*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0}{{\sc litteral} “Tian”}
\tslide{035}{1}{32}{\#0\#0\#6\#9*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#6\#1*44*}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{036}{1}{16}{\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#6C5}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{038}{*}{02}{2A}{\sc intransitive active clause}
\tslide{039}{0}{32}{17025A*002A\#C*C*B*534322C*161223}{prohibitions(cosmetic)::[noise:{\sc neg}+restraint]}
\tslide{040}{1}{08}{\#32325B\#}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{043}{*}{01}{0}{\sc let}
\tslide{044}{A}{01}{1}{\sc var(1)}
\tslide{045}{*}{01}{D}{\sc ppn}
\tslide{046}{\#}{32}{*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#4C5*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0}{{\sc literal} Najva Guns}
\tslide{047}{1}{32}{\#0\#0\#6\#1*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#6C1*44*}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{048}{1}{32}{\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#7\#6*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{049}{1}{32}{\#6\#1*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#2\#0*44*\#0\#0}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{050}{1}{32}{\#0\#0\#0\#0\#4\#7*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#7\#5}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{051}{1}{32}{*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#6C5*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{052}{1}{08}{\#0\#0\#7\#3}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{053}{0}{05}{11\#62}{metaphyisics+engineering\footnote{when asking for what Najva Guns was to give it a qualifier, I got two answers: “some phylosophical concept” and “a technological object”. So unable to chose, I picked both}}
\tslide{054}{*}{01}{3}{\sc transitive clause}
\tslide{055}{*}{01}{D}{\sc ppn}
\tslide{056}{\#}{32}{*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#4C5*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0}{{\sc litteral} Ngu}
\tslide{057}{1}{28}{\#0\#0\#6\#7*44*\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#0\#7\#5}{\sc continutation}
\tslide{060}{1}{17}{*C*34718C*C**1*C\#}{\sc continuation}
\tslide{062}{*}{01}{3}{\sc transitive clause}
\tslide{063}{*}{02}{A2}{\sc 2sg}
\tslide{064}{0}{11}{1177C*C**A2*}{humanity::{\sc 2sg}}
\tslide{066}{*}{01}{1}{\sc assert}
\tslide{067}{0}{25}{B*32C*C*111823B\#C*1612223}{[politics::reality]:{\sc NEG}}