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  1. module UI (drawUI) where
  2. import State
  3. import Data.IORef
  4. import Board
  5. import Raylib.Core
  6. import Raylib.Types
  7. import Raylib.Core.Shapes
  8. import Raylib.Util.Math
  9. drawUI :: IORef AppState -> IO ()
  10. drawUI r = do
  11. state <- readIORef r
  12. winW <- getRenderWidth
  13. winH <- getRenderHeight
  14. let act = state'action state
  15. brd = state'board state
  16. pth = state'path state
  17. (Point off) = state'offset state
  18. zoom = state'zoom state
  19. (Board ti bg pths) = brd
  20. drawBG off zoom winW winH bg
  21. mapM_ (drawPath off zoom) pths
  22. case act of
  23. ActionDraw p -> drawPath off zoom p
  24. _ -> return ()
  25. drawInterface act pth ti winW winH
  26. drawPath :: Vector2 -> Float -> Path -> IO ()
  27. drawPath offset zoom path =
  28. let points = path'points path
  29. segments = zip points (init points)
  30. col = unBoardColor $ path'color path
  31. thick = (path'thickness path) * zoom
  32. in
  33. mapM_ (\(s, e) ->
  34. let s' = (offset |+| unPoint s) |* zoom
  35. e' = (offset |+| unPoint e) |* zoom
  36. in
  37. drawLineEx s' e' thick col
  38. ) segments
  39. drawBG :: Vector2 -> Float -> Int -> Int -> BackgroundPattern -> IO ()
  40. drawBG _ _ _ _ (BGPatternPlain (BoardColor col)) = clearBackground col
  41. drawBG off zoom maxx' maxy' (BGPatternGrid fc' dc' hs' vs' th) =
  42. let fc = unBoardColor fc'
  43. dc = unBoardColor dc'
  44. hs = fromIntegral hs' * zoom
  45. vs = fromIntegral vs' * zoom
  46. offx = fromIntegral ((truncate $ vector2'x off) `rem` hs') * zoom
  47. offy = fromIntegral ((truncate $ vector2'y off) `rem` vs') * zoom
  48. maxx = fromIntegral maxx'
  49. maxy = fromIntegral maxy'
  50. in do
  51. clearBackground fc
  52. mapM_ (\x -> drawLineEx (Vector2 x 0) (Vector2 x maxy) th dc)
  53. [offx, offx+hs .. maxx]
  54. mapM_ (\y -> drawLineEx (Vector2 0 y) (Vector2 maxx y) th dc)
  55. [offy, offy+vs .. maxy]
  56. drawBG _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
  57. drawInterface :: Action -> String -> String -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
  58. drawInterface act pth ti winW winH = do
  59. return ()