Antoine COMBET
3 years ago
11 changed files with 335 additions and 0 deletions
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dist-newstyle |
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#+title: aoc2021 |
My solutions to the 2021 edition of Advent of Code |
| Day | Part 1 | Part 2 | |
|-----+--------+--------| |
| 1 | X | X | |
| 2 | X | X | |
| 3 | X | | |
| 4 | | | |
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cabal-version: 2.4 |
name: aoc2021 |
version: |
-- A short (one-line) description of the package. |
-- synopsis: |
-- A longer description of the package. |
-- description: |
-- A URL where users can report bugs. |
-- bug-reports: |
-- The license under which the package is released. |
-- license: |
author: Annwan |
maintainer: |
extra-source-files: |
||| |
executable d1p1 |
main-is: D1P1.hs |
build-depends: base ^>= |
hs-source-dirs: app |
default-language: Haskell2010 |
executable d1p2 |
main-is: D1P2.hs |
build-depends: base ^>= |
hs-source-dirs: app |
default-language: Haskell2010 |
executable d2p1 |
main-is: D2P1.hs |
build-depends: base ^>= |
hs-source-dirs: app |
default-language: Haskell2010 |
executable d2p2 |
main-is: D2P2.hs |
build-depends: base ^>= |
hs-source-dirs: app |
default-language: Haskell2010 |
executable d3p1 |
main-is: D3P1.hs |
build-depends: base ^>= |
hs-source-dirs: app |
default-language: Haskell2010 |
executable d3p2 |
main-is: D3P2.hs |
build-depends: base ^>= |
hs-source-dirs: app |
default-language: Haskell2010 |
executable d4p1 |
main-is: D4P1.hs |
build-depends: base ^>= |
hs-source-dirs: app |
default-language: Haskell2010 |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
module Main where |
main :: IO () |
main = interact solution |
windows :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] |
windows _ [] = [] |
windows n (a:r) = take n (a:r) : windows n r |
solution :: String -> String |
solution = show |
. sum |
. map (fromEnum . \(a:b:_) -> a < b) |
. init |
. windows 2 |
. map (read :: String -> Int) |
. lines |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
module Main where |
main :: IO () |
main = interact solution |
windows :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] |
windows _ [] = [] |
windows n (a:r) = take n (a:r) : windows n r |
solution :: String -> String |
solution = |
show |
. sum |
. map (fromEnum . (\(a:b:_) -> a < b) ) |
. init |
. windows 2 |
. map sum |
. init . init |
. windows 3 |
. map (read :: String -> Int) |
. lines |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
module Main where |
main :: IO() |
main = interact solution |
solution :: String -> String |
solution = show |
. multhem |
. foldl applymove (0, 0) |
. map ((\[a, b] -> (head a, read b :: Int)) . words) |
. lines |
where |
applymove :: (Int, Int) -> (Char, Int) -> (Int, Int) |
applymove (x, y) (d, v) = case d of |
'f' -> (x + v, y) |
'd' -> (x, y + v) |
'u' -> (x, y - v) |
_ -> undefined -- unreachable |
multhem :: (Int, Int) -> Int |
multhem (a, b) = a * b |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
module Main where |
main :: IO () |
main = interact solution |
solution :: String -> String |
solution = show |
. multhem |
. foldl applymove (0, 0, 0) |
. map ((\[a, b] -> (head a, read b :: Int)) . words) |
. lines |
where |
applymove :: (Int, Int, Int) -> (Char, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int) |
applymove (x, y, a) (d, v) = case d of |
'f' -> (x + v, y + v * a, a) |
'd' -> (x, y, a + v) |
'u' -> (x, y, a - v) |
_ -> undefined -- unreachable |
multhem :: (Int, Int, Int) -> Int |
multhem (a, b, _) = a * b |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
module Main where |
import Data.List (transpose) |
import Data.Bits (shift, complement, (.&.)) |
main :: IO () |
main = interact solution |
solution :: String -> String |
solution = show |
. (\x -> x * (complement x .&. 4095)) |
. bits_to_number |
. map mostcommon |
. transpose |
. map (map ((read :: String -> Int) . (pure :: a -> [a]))) |
. lines |
where |
mostcommon :: [Int] -> Int |
mostcommon a = if count 0 a > count 1 a then 0 else 1; |
count :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int |
count e [] = 0 |
count e (a:r) = count e r + if a == e then 1 else 0 |
bits_to_number :: [Int] -> Int |
bits_to_number = btn' . reverse |
where |
btn' :: [Int] -> Int |
btn' [] = 0 |
btn' (a:r) = shift (btn' r) 1 + a |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
module Main where |
import Data.Bits (shift) |
main :: IO () |
main = interact solution |
solution :: String -> String |
solution = show |
. (\(x,y) -> bits_to_number x * bits_to_number y) |
. (\x -> (o2 0 x, co2 0 x)) |
. map (map (read . (:[]))) |
. lines |
where |
bits_to_number :: [Int] -> Int |
bits_to_number = btn' . reverse |
where |
btn' :: [Int] -> Int |
btn' [] = 0 |
btn' (a:r) = shift (btn' r) 1 + a |
count :: Eq a => Int -> a -> [[a]] -> Int |
count _ _ [] = 0 |
count p e (a:r) = count p e r + if a !! p == e then 1 else 0 |
o2 :: Int -> [[Int]] -> [Int] |
o2 _ [n] = n |
o2 n x = o2 next (filter (\e -> e !! n == mc) x) |
where |
next = n + 1 |
c0 = count n 0 x |
c1 = count n 1 x |
mc |
| c0 <= c1 = 0 |
| otherwise = 1 |
co2 :: Int -> [[Int]] -> [Int] |
co2 _ [n] = n |
co2 n x = co2 next (filter (\e -> e !! n == lc) x) |
where |
next = n + 1 |
c0 = count n 0 x |
c1 = count n 1 x |
lc |
| c0 <= c1 = 1 |
| otherwise = 0 |
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
module Main where |
main :: IO () |
main = interact solution |
type Board = [[Int]] |
type BoardMask = [[Bool]] |
scnd :: (b -> c) -> (a, b) -> (a, c) |
scnd f (a, b) = (a, f b) |
frst :: (a -> c) -> (a, b) -> (c, b) |
frst f (a, b) = (f a, b) |
solution :: String -> String |
solution = |
show |
-- ([Int], [Boards]) |
. scnd toBoards |
. scnd (map (map (read :: String -> Int))) |
. scnd (filter (not . null)) |
. scnd (map words) |
. frst (map (read :: String -> Int)) |
. frst splitcomma |
. (\x -> (head x, tail x)) |
. lines |
where |
splitcomma :: String -> [String] -- "stole" the implementation from `words` |
splitcomma s = case dropWhile (==',') s of |
"" -> [] |
s' -> w : splitcomma s'' |
where |
(w, s'') = break (==',') s' |
toBoards :: [[Int]] -> [Board] |
toBoards [] = [] |
toBoards (a:b:c:d:e:r) = [a,b,c,d,e]:toBoards r |
calculateScore :: Int -> -- ^ winning number |
Board -> -- ^ winning board |
BoardMask -> -- ^ drawn numbers |
Int |
calculateScore = undefined |
checkWinning :: BoardMask -> Bool |
checkWinning = undefined |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
module Main where |
main :: IO () |
main = interact solution |
type Board = [[Int]] |
scnd :: (b -> c) -> (a, b) -> (a, c) |
scnd f (a, b) = (a, f b) |
frst :: (a -> c) -> (a, b) -> (c, b) |
frst f (a, b) = (f a, b) |
solution :: String -> String |
solution = |
show |
-- ([Int], [Boards]) |
. scnd toBoards |
. scnd (map (map (read :: String -> Int))) |
. scnd (filter (not . null)) |
. scnd (map words) |
. frst (map (read :: String -> Int)) |
. frst splitcomma |
. (\x -> (head x, tail x)) |
. lines |
where |
splitcomma :: String -> [String] -- "stole" the implementation from `words` |
splitcomma s = case dropWhile (==',') s of |
"" -> [] |
s' -> w : splitcomma s'' |
where |
(w, s'') = break (==',') s' |
toBoards :: [[Int]] -> [Board] |
toBoards [] = [] |
toBoards (a:b:c:d:e:r) = [a,b,c,d,e]:toBoards r |
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